考试写英语短文句子能不能套用书上的句子,但书上的句子好像有的不遵守语法规则,能不能用? It's really

It's really late,so I'll get back to home. really不是副词,副词位置在哪里,我见过的有谓语动词之前的,句首、句尾.

really 是副词,不能用It's really ,书上的有的不符合语法规则,但是就初学英语,初学写作的人来说,还是不要套用那些不符合语法规则的句子,等水平高了, 你也自然会用了,而且恰到好处。还有It's really late,so I'll get back to home.这句话,really 确实是副词,修饰late,副词可以修饰形容词,副词,动词等,一般放在形容词,副词之前,放在动词之后。例如!You are quite right. He runs very fast. He sings well. quite 修饰right ,very 修饰fast,well修饰 sings
第1个回答  2010-08-14
副词修饰动词放在动词之后。She can do the job well.well副词,用来修饰can do,动词的。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-08-14
1.时间副词(now,then,recently,soon, just now,right away,etc.)可以放在整个句子或从句之前或后,并通常放在句末。其中 then,recently可以放在动词之前;still常放在动词之前或系动词、助动词、情态动词之后;而yet常放于句末,并且句子常用否定形式。例如:

I'll then turn to my classmates for help.
When all the students finished the morning exercise,he was still asleep.
We haven't finished the work yet.

2.地点副词(here,there,down,anywhere,everywhere,inside,etc.)和方式副词(well,quickly,kindly,etc.)常放在宾语之后,或不及物动词之后。其中here,there,up,down等副词与不及物动词 go,come,stand,walk, lie等词连用时,副词可置于句首。如句子主语是名词或名词短语时,句子需用完全倒装语序。例如:
There stands the tower.
Down came the rain.
We looked for the lost wallet here and there,but in vain.

3.程度副词(very,quite,almost,fairly, nearly,just,extremely,hardly,etc.)常放在被修饰词之前,但当very修饰动词时,常与 much连用并置于句末。例如:
I like her very much.
With one false movement,he nearly loses the whole game.

4.频度副词(ever,never,often,always, seldom,sometimes,etc.)常放在动词之前,或系动词、助动词、情态动词之后。其中some- times也常置于句首。例如:
I have never been to America.
Sometimes he phones me,and sometimes he writes to me.

It was only an coincidence.
They only have coffee in the morning.(可以理解为:他们早上只喝咖啡。或:他们只在早上喝咖啡。)

He hardly ever leaves his house all the day.
The president of our university is nearly always occupied.

(2)当时间、地点、程度与方式副词同时在句子中出现时,常把程度副词放在最前面,方式副词放在地点副词之前,时间副词放在最后。但是,句中动词是动态动词(go,come, leave,arrive, etc.)时,则常把地点副词放在方式副词之前。例如:
They performed pretty well in the city hall last night.
She went home quickly.

(3)可作定语的副词(如here,there,back, ahead,abroad,below,above,yesterday,before, etc.)通常放在被修饰名词之后。例如:
We will see a beautiful picture about the country in the years ahead.
The atmosphere here is seriously polluted
第3个回答  2010-08-14
第4个回答  2010-08-14