
时态:还未发生用to do 已经发生用() 其他时态

语态 主动用() 被动用。。。

不要复制粘贴啦 楼下那个很长的 我没有提取到我要的信息 大家只要告诉我 有哪几种时态(我记得有三种来着?不知道对不对 已经 正在 还未) 分别是to do 什么 和 什么 2种语态 主动 和 动宾 分别用 什么 和 什么


I can't go with you because I have two letters to write.

Take these sleeping pills and you'll sleep better.(动名词表示用途,而the sleeping child中的sleeping则为现在分词,为其"正在进行的"动作)

Don't drink boiling water.Drink boiled water.(boiling表示正进行,boiled表示已完成)

Do you know the man talking with our maths teacher?(表示主动关系)

I lost the calculator given by my uncle.(表示被动关系)


The problem to be discussed at tomorrow's meeting(明天会上要讨论的问题)is how to deal with the old building.

The problem being discussed at the meeting now(现在会上正讨论的问题)is how to deal with the old building.

The problem discussed at yesterday's meeting(昨天会上讨论的问题)is how to deal with the old building

.动词不定式 A lot of young people are learning to drive cars. (同时发生) All of us expected to discover a new oil field. (非谓语动词动作发生在后) He is said to have studied English for three years. (非谓语动词动作发生在前) **动词不定式的完成式有时用在intended, expected, meant, were to, was to等过去式的动词后面,表示未实现的行为。 I meant to have sent the book to you by mail. (我本想把这本书邮寄给你的。) He was to have been the new ambassador, but he fell ill. (他原是要任新大使的,但是他病了。)
第1个回答  2010-08-29
时态:还未发生用to do 已经发生用(to have done 或 having done 或 done) 其他时态 to have been done ;having been done;being done

语态 主动用(to do; to have done; doing; having done;) 被动用to be done;to have been done;having been done; being done;本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-08-29
已经发生用 have/has done sth

to do 主动
to be done 被动
to be doing 进行时