

Unit 1 How often do you exercise?
1频率副词:never hardly ever sometimes often usually always
2exercise 一、动词 锻炼、运动 My father exercises every day
二、 名词 1可数名词 体操、练习 Children are doing eye exercises
2不可数名词 锻炼、运动 Lucy does exercise in the morning
3倒装句,以here和there开头的句子通常倒装,(一)当主语是名词时,使用全部倒装,其结构为here/there+动词+名词,其中动词的形式要根据名词的单复数来确定.如:1、Here are your books2、Here comes the bus3、There goes the bell(二)当主语是代词时,使用部分倒装,其结构为here/there+主语(代词)+动词.如:Here you are
4 most做形容词,翻译为“大多数的,大部分的”修饰名词,如:Most boys like to play basketball
如:Most of the students do homework every day(复数名词)
Most of us like our math teacher(复数代词)
Most of the water is dirty(不可数名词)
5. 练习:根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词
1.She gets up at about/round six every day.
2.Most of the Americans like to watch NBA.
3.My father’s favourite program (节目)is CCTV News.
4.Here is the result(结果)of the exam, you can look up your mark(分数).
5.David is very active (积极的)in class.