



[ʌmˈbrelə]  美 [ʌmˈbrɛlə] n.雨伞;  

〈比喻〉保护物;  [军]空中掩护幕;  


1 ) students simply put up the umbrella, let the drizzle in the body.
2 ) summer travel or carry an umbrella, one thousand in the rain, also won 't be dripping.
3 ) the sky is very cloudy, my mother asked me to take an umbrella for the rainy day.
4 ) after a while the wind stopped and it rained, people began to put up umbrellas.
5 ) master took the umbrella and left trembling.
6 ) summer lotus leaves look like an umbrella.
7 ) it 's best to take an umbrella when you go out in summer, in case you need it from time to time.
8 ) trees grow lush and dense in summer, branches and leaves like umbrellas.
9 ) delicious mushrooms are like big flower umbrellas.
10 ) cloudy today, it is best to take an umbrella when you go out to prevent future trouble.
11 ) I left my umbrella in the classroom.
12 ) it 's raining, my mother sent me an umbrella, it 's really a carbon in the snow!


1) 同学们索性收起雨伞,任细雨淋在身上。

2) 夏天旅游还是随身带把雨伞,万一遇上雨,也不会淋着。

3) 天阴得很厉害,妈妈要我带上雨伞有备无患。

4) 一会儿风停了,下起雨来,于是人们纷纷打起雨伞。

5) 老爷爷拿着雨伞,颤巍巍地离开了。

6) 夏天的荷叶好像一把雨伞。

7) 夏天出门最好带把雨伞,以备不时之需。

8) 夏天树木长得郁郁葱葱密密层层的,枝叶好像雨伞一样。

9) 好吃的蘑菇犹如大大的花雨伞。

10) 今天天阴阴的,出门时最好带一把雨伞防患未然。

11) 我把雨伞遗忘在教室里了。

12) 下雨了,妈妈给我送来了雨伞,真是雪中送炭呐!
