help doing和help do的区别是什么?


"help do sth.","help to do sth."和"help doing sth."都表示帮助某人做某事,但在用法上有一些细微的差别。
1. "help do sth." :这种结构中,动词不带to不定式符号,直接跟着动词原形。例如:
- Can you help me clean the house?
- She helps her brother with his homework every day.
2. "help to do sth.":在这种结构中,动词后面带有to不定式符号。它主要用于强调帮助的行为和目的。例如:
- She helped to carry the bags upstairs.
- Can you help me to set up the tent?
3. "help doing sth.":这种结构中,动词后面跟动名词形式。它用于描述帮助某人正在进行的行动或习惯性的行为。例如:
- My mom always helps me with cooking dinner.
- The teacher helped the students in solving the math problems.
总的来说,在日常口语中,"help do sth."和"help to do sth." 可以互换使用,而"help doing sth."则稍微更加强调行为的进行性质。