


这样的声控车应该加上漂亮的外形。它可以随着车主的意愿来配色和装外壳。Future vehicles look like? Let me tell you what: I invent a voice in the future car. Voice car was not easy, why? First: Sound car can prevent shoot bullets, you can also take the amount that is extremely heavy weight. Second: the voice is not the owner of the car can tell, you can also protect your family. Third: Voice vehicle length and width than the current car about 1 meter, more comfortable ride. Car engine is the world's best engine.

Such vehicles should be with a beautiful voice profile. It can be color with the wishes of the owners and equipment housing.
第1个回答  2014-12-03
the vehicles of the futureNowadays, the technology has become so advanced, more and more people have owned the private cars ,but in the mean time ,the air pollution has become worse and worse, though the government has been aware of the problem, yet the solutions are not so good to avoid the pollution.however, in the future ,about fifty years latter ,the vehicle would be used which would be judged by whether it is advantage to the enviromental protection. In other words, the power would not be the petrol, the new energy sources would be used instead of the gas. For example, we would take bus which uses the marsh gas to move
第2个回答  2021-06-13
Transport in the futureln the future i think a lot of great inventions will come out . Cars will able to
fly in the sky or move in the water . In the sky ,we can see a lot of transport ,like train , motorcycle
,light rail etc . Then trafic in the road will not very busy any more . And this transport won't have much
waste , they can ruduce the pollution to the environment and make us stay healthy . The transpot will
become very light and good . They look very beautiful and is easy for us to drive .If these transsport
comes into our life soon , think we will live better .