


Are we all on? 大家都在吗?

Can I ask that we all state our names, please? 我们大家先说下各自名字吧。

I’m here. It’s [your name] in [your city]. 我在线哦。我是来自(某某城市)的(某某)。

Can everybody hear me? 大家都能听到我的声音吗?

I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call in the
near future.我建议我们就一周项目开一个电话会议。


Today I’m here to talk to you about…今天主要谈谈……

I’m delighted to be here today to tell you about…今天很高兴告诉大家

Today I would like to outline our plans for…今天我们就要框定计划

Firstly I’ll talk about…/ I’ll start with some general information

Hi everyone, I’m [your name]. I’m going to keep this brief, as I know
you’re all busy people. I’m going to make this quick for you…大家好,我是XX,我知道大家都是大忙人,下面就长话短说,不用占用大家太长时间。

Then I will look at…/ then we’ll go over… 然后,我们再看看……

And finally we’ll look at…/ To conclude we’ll touch on…最后,来谈谈……

I will be glad to answer any questions that you may have.

I think the issue is toocomplicated and I will send an email to you after
the meeting.我认为这个问题有点复杂,会议结束后我会给你发一封邮件。

Sorry. I just dropped the line.抱歉,我刚刚掉线了。

Thank you. Our next question comes from the line of Brian Nowak with Morgan
Stanley. Please proceed with your question.谢谢。下一个问题来自Morgan Stanley的Brian Nowak。请提问。

These are all good ideas we're throwing out, but we need to focus on the
main goal.这些都是非常棒的想法,但是我们需要聚焦在主要目标上。



A: 如何有礼貌打断别人说话?

Sorry, I interrupted you. You were saying…? 对不起,打扰你一下。你是说……

Please go on… 请继续

Sorry, Could you repeat again?抱歉,能重复一下吗?

After you…你先说

I’m sorry, but could you speak up a little? 对不起,你能说得再详细点吗?

I didn’t quite hear that, sorry, can you say that again?

I didn’t catch that last bit. Can you say it again please?

B: 你有一些问题,如何表达?

Am I to understand that… 我能……这样理解吗?

Sorry, but just to clarify…对不起,我只是想澄清下……

So, what we’re saying is…所以,我们现在的意思是……

C: 赞同别人想法,怎么说?

That’s an excellent point [person’s name], I totally agree with you on


Okay, I think we are all on the same page here…好了,我想大家的想法都统一了。

Yes, I get what you’re saying…是的,我明白你的意思

D: 不赞同别人,如何反驳?

I’m sorry but I think you may have that slightly

From our perspective, it’s a little different. Let me explain.

Well, yes and no—can I tell you how we see it?

第1个回答  2020-12-08