

1. 安全检查广播
Ladies and Gentlemen: We are now taxiing towards the runway. Please ensure your safety belt is fastened, the tray table is stowed, the seat back is in an upright position, the window shade is open, and all electronic devices, including those in flight mode, are turned off. This is a non-smoking flight. Thank you for your cooperation.
2. 起飞前再次确认安全带
Ladies and gentlemen: The aircraft is about to take off. Please double-check that your safety belt is securely fastened and all electronic devices are switched off. Thank you.
3. 餐前广播
Ladies and gentlemen: We will be serving meals and a variety of beverages shortly. Please adjust your seat back to an upright position during the meal service to accommodate the comfort of the passengers behind you. Should you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact any of our flight attendants. Thank you.
4. 起飞前广播、安全检查
Ladies and gentlemen: We are preparing for takeoff. Please assist our cabin crew with the safety checks by fastening your safety belt, stowing the tray table, and ensuring your seat back is in the upright position. Window seat passengers, please help to open the window shade. We will be dimming the cabin lights. If you need to read, please turn on the reading light. Thank you for your cooperation, and we wish you a pleasant journey!