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作为一种广泛持有的学习观,归纳主义(inductivism)学习理论认为,学习是学习者经由重复(repetition),被动接受确定性知识的过程。但在现实中,归纳主义学习理论很少接受人们的批判性讨论。通过对其哲学基础的批判性考察,有必要选择一种非归纳(non-inductive)的学习理论。基于否证主义(Falsificationism)的学习理论为我们提供了第二种选择,根据这一理论,学习是学习者经由试错(trial and error),主动修改猜想和期望的过程。

As a widely accepted learning concept, inductivism learning theory thinks that learning is process of passive acceptance of known knowledge through reptition by the learner. But in real life, inductivism learning theory seldom face critical discussion by people. Through critical discussion of a philosophical fundamental, there is a need to select a non-inductive learning theory. Falsification learning theory is our other selection. According to this theory, learning is the process where the learner, through trial and error, actively changes his mind and expectation.
第1个回答  2009-09-02
As a widely held learning theory, inductivism considers that learning is a repetition process that the learners have to accept determinacy knowledge. But in fact, inductivism seldom accepts people's critical discussion. By the critical investigation of its philosophical foundation, we come to a conclusion that it is necessary to select a noninductive learning theory. Based on the second choice provided by falsificationism theory, it proves learning is a trial and error process that the learners initiatively revise their conjecture and expectations.

第2个回答  2009-09-02
As a widely held view of learning, inductive learning theory that learning is a learner through repetition, passive acceptance of deterministic knowledge. But in reality, the inductive learning theory that people seldom receive critical discussions. Through its philosophical foundation of critical study, it is necessary to choose a non-inductive learning theory. No permit the study based on Marxist theory provides us with a second option, according to this theory, learning is the learner through trial and error, the initiative to amend the process of conjecture and expectations.