求星际争霸:母巢之战 英文原文剧本





StarCraft:BroodWar 全角色对白


(出场00) You want a piece of me, boy?
(闲聊00) We go move!
(闲聊01) Are you gonna give me orders?
(闲聊02) Oh my god! He's whacked!
(闲聊03) I vote we frag this commander.
(闲聊04) How do I get out of this chicken (BEEP) outfit?!
(闲聊05) You want a piece of me, boy?
(闲聊06) If it weren\'t for these damned neural implants you\'d be a
smoldering crater by now!
(Sti00) Ahh...That\'s the stuff!
(Sti01) Ahh...Yea!
(选择00) Commander.
(选择01) Standin\' by.
(选择02) Checked up and good to go.
(选择03) Give me something to shoot.
(行动00) Go! Go! Go!
(行动01) Let's move!
(行动02) Outstanding!
(行动03) Rock 'n roll!

(出场00) Need a light?
(闲聊00) Is something burning?
(闲聊01) Haha, that\'s what I thought.
(闲聊02) I love the smell of napalm.
(闲聊03) Nothing like a good smoke!
(闲聊04) Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue?
(闲聊05) Got any questions about propane?
(闲聊06) Or, propane accessories?
(选择00) Fire it up!
(选择02) You got my attention.
(选择03) Wanna turn up the heat?
(行动00) Naturally.
(行动01) Slammin!
(行动02) You've got it.
(行动03) Let's burn.

(出场00) Somebody called for an exterminator?
(闲聊00) You called down the thunder.
(闲聊01) Now reap the whirlwind.
(闲聊02) Keep it up! I dare ya.
(闲聊03) I\'m about to overload my aggression inhibitors.
(选择00) Ghost reporting.
(选择01) I\'m here.
(选择02) Finally!
(选择03) Call the shot.
(行动00) I hear that.
(行动01) I\'m gone.
(行动02) Never know what hit em.
(行动03) I\'m all over it.

(出场00) All right, bring it on!
(闲聊00) Something you wanted?
(闲聊01) I don\'t have time to f(BEEP)around!
(闲聊02) You keep pushing it boy.
(闲聊03) And I\'ll scrap you along with the aliens!
(选择00) What do YOU want?
(选择01) Yeah?
(选择02) I read ya, SIR.
(选择03) Somethin\' on your mind?
(行动00) Yeah, I\'m going.
(行动01) I dig.
(行动02) No problem!
(行动03) Oh, is that it?

(出场00) Goliath online. Goliath
(闲聊00) MilSpec ED-209 online.
(闲聊01) Checklist protocol initiated.
(闲聊02) Primary ? level one diagnostic...
(闲聊03) USDA Selected. USDA
(闲聊04) FDIC approved. FDIC
(闲聊05) Checklist Completed. SOB.
(选择00) Go ahead Tac-Com.
(选择01) Com-link online.
(选择02) Channel open.
(选择03) Systems functional.
(行动00) Acknowledged HQ.
(行动01) Nav-com locked.
(行动02) Confirmed.
(行动03) Target designated.

Siege Tank
(出场00) Ready to roll out!
(闲聊01) I\'m about to drop the hammer!
(闲聊02) And dispense some indiscriminate justice!
(闲聊03) What is your major malfunction?
(选择00) Yes sir!
(选择01) Destination?
(选择02) Identify target!
(选择03) Orders sir!
(行动00) Move it!
(行动01) Proceedin\'.
(行动02) Delighted to, sir!
(行动03) Absolutely!

(出场00) SCV, good to go, sir. SCV
(Err00) I can\'t build it, something\'s in the way.
(Err01) I can\'t build there.
(闲聊00) Come again, Captain?
(闲聊01) I\'m not readin\' you clearly.
(闲聊02) You ain\'t from around here, are you?
(闲聊03) I can\'t believe they put me in one of these things!
(闲聊04) And now I go put up with this too?
(闲聊05) I told em I was claustrophobic, I go get ou here!
(闲聊06) I\'m locked in here tighter than a frog\'s butt in a
seed fight.
(Tra00) ?

(出场00) Can I take your order?
(闲聊00) When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful.
(闲聊01) In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation
(闲聊02) To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you.
(闲聊03) Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a
and complete stop.
(选择00) Go ahead, HQ.
(选择01) I\'m listenin\'.
(选择02) Destination?
(选择03) Input coordinates.
(行动00) In the pipe, five by five.
(行动01) Hang on, we\'re in for some chop.
(行动02) In transit, HQ.
(行动03) Buckle up!
(行动04) Strap yourselves in boys!
(行动05) I copy that.

(出场00) Wraith awaiting launch orders.
(闲聊00) Last transmission breakin\' up...come back...
(闲聊01) I\'m just curious...why am I so good?
(闲聊02) I go get me one of these.
(闲聊03) You know who the best starfighter in the fleet is?
(闲聊04) Yours truly.
(闲聊05) Everybody go die sometime, Red.
(闲聊06) I am the invincible, that\'s right.
(选择00) Go ahead commander.
(选择01) Transmit coordinates.
(选择02) Standin\' by.
(选择03) Reporting in.
(行动00) Coordinates received.
(行动01) Ack formation.
(行动02) Roger.
(行动03) Vector locked-in.

(出场00) Battlecruiser operational.
(闲聊00) Identify yourself!
(闲聊01) Shields up! Weapons online!
(闲聊02) Not equipped with shields? well then buckle up!
(闲聊03) We are getting WAY behind schedule.
(闲聊04) I really have to go...number one.
(选择00) Battlecruiser reporting.
(选择01) Receiving transmission.
(选择02) Good day, commander.
(选择03) Hailing frequencies open.
(行动00) Make it happen.
(行动01) Set a course.
(行动02) Take it slow.
(行动03) Engage!

Science Vessel
(出场00) Explorer reporting.
(闲聊00) I like the cut of your jib!
(闲聊01) E=MC...d\'oh let me get my note. E=MC...?
(闲聊02) Ah, fusion, eh? I\'ll have to remember that.
(闲聊03) Eck, who set all these lab monkeys free?
(闲聊04) I think we may have a gas leak!
(闲聊05) Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernal
(闲聊06) Ah...the ship.... out of danger?
(选择00) Ah, greetings command!
(选择01) Transmit orders.
(选择02) Receiving headquarters!
(选择03) We have you on visual.
(行动00) Let\'s roll!
(行动01) Excellent!
(行动02) Commencing!
(行动03) Affirmative, sir.

(出场00) Prepped and ready!
(闲聊00) I\'ve already checked you out commander.
(闲聊01) You want another physical?
(闲聊02) Turn your head an cough.
(闲聊03) Ready for your sponge bath?
(闲聊04) His EKG is flatlining! Get me a defib stat!
(闲聊05) Clear! (bzzz)
(闲聊06) He\'s dead, Jim.
(选择00) Need medical attention?
(选择01) Did someone page me?
(选择02) State the nature of your medical emergency!
(选择03) Where does it hurt?
(行动00) Right away!
(行动01) Stat!
(行动02) I\'m on the job!
(行动03) On my way.

(出场00) Valkyrie preed. Valkyrie
(闲聊00) This is very interesting...but stupid.
(闲聊01) I have ways of blowing things up.
(闲聊02) You\'re being very naughty.
(闲聊03) Who\'s your mommy?
(闲聊04) Blucher!
(闲聊05) (horses neighing)
(选择00) Need something destroyed?
(选择01) I am eager to help.
(选择02) Don\'t keep me waiting.
(选择03) Achtung!
(行动00) Of course, mein heir.
(行动01) Perfect!
(行动02) It\'s showtime!
(行动03) Jawoll!
(行动04) Achtung!

(Err00) Not enough minerals.
(Err01) Insufficient vespene gas.
(Err02) Additional supply depots required.
(Err03) Landing sequence interrupted.
(Err04) Inacceptable landing zone.
(Err06) Not enough energy.
(Upd00) Base is under attack.
(Upd01) Your forces are under attack.
(Upd02) Research complete.
(Upd03) Add-on complete.
(UPD04) Nuclear launch detected.
(UPD05) Abandoning auxilorary structure.
(UPD06) Upgrade complete.
(Upd07) Nuclear missile ready.


(出场00) My life for Aiur!
(闲聊00) En Taro Adun!
(闲聊01) All for the Empire!
(闲聊02) Doom to all who threaten the homeworld.
(选择00) What now calls?
(选择01) Issah\'Tu!
(选择02) I long for combat!
(选择03) G\'hous!
(行动00) Gau\'gurah!
(行动01) Thus I serve!
(行动02) Honor guide me!
(行动03) For Adun!

(出场00) I have returned.
(闲聊00) Unauthorized transmission.
(闲聊01) Incorrect protocol.
(闲聊02) (BEEP)Drop your weapon. You have 15 seconds to comply. \"
(闲聊03) 5,4,3,2,1 (fire)
(选择00) Receiving.
(选择01) Awaiting instructions.
(选择02) Transmit.
(选择03) Input command.
(选择04) Glah\'sos
(选择05) Cah\'karadahs
(选择06) Make use of me.
(选择07) I am needed.
(行动00) Confirmed.
(行动01) Initiating.
(行动02) Loch\'tide.
(行动03) Meto\'rah
(行动04) Commencing.
(行动05) Nagat\'soon
(行动06) For vengeance.

High Templar
(出场00) Hasah-hurditum-hari!
(闲聊00) Your thoughts betray you.
(闲聊01) I see you have an appetite for destruction.
(闲聊02) And you learn to use your illusion.
(闲聊03) But I find your lack of control disturbing.
(选择00) Your thoughts?
(选择01) Saragh\'ha!
(选择02) I heed thy call.
(选择03) State thy bidding.
(行动00) You think as I do.
(行动01) It shall be done.
(行动02) My path is set.
(行动03) Ee\'tahk

(出场00) The merging is complete!
(闲聊00) It all looks so different on this side.
(闲聊01) Break on through!
(闲聊02) It\'s beautiful!
(闲聊03) They should have sent a poet.
(选择00) We burn!
(选择01) We need focus!
(选择02) Thorasoh\'cahp
(选择03) Power overwhelming.
(行动00) Destroy!
(行动01) Annihilate!
(行动02) Obliterate!
(行动03) Eradicate!

(出场00) Teleport successful.
(闲聊00) Signal unstable.
(闲聊01) Psionic Link dissipating.
(闲聊02) Adjusting neural transmission.
(闲聊04) ...reengaged
(选择00) Awaiting command.
(选择01) Standing by.
(选择02) Contact.
(选择03) Cho\'gal
(行动00) Chaos
(行动01) Koh\'rahk
(行动02) ...acknowledged
(行动03) It will be done.

(出场00) Warp field stabilized.
(闲聊00) We sense a soul in search of answers.
(闲聊01) Do you seek knowledge of time travel?
(闲聊02) We\'ll take that as a
(闲聊03) And now for your first lesson. Hahaha.
(闲聊04) Do you seek knowledge of time travel?
(选择00) We feel your presence.
(选择01) Duras.
(选择02) Gun Adun
(选择03) We are vigilant.
(行动00) In Khast\'meen
(行动01) Jepahca\'zoen
(行动02) Gowron.

(出场00) Carrier has arrived!
(闲聊00) Our enemies are legion!
(闲聊01) And still you procrastinate!?
(闲聊02) Command, or you will be relieved!
(闲聊03) This is not an idle threat!
(选择00) Instructions.
(选择01) Your command?
(选择02) Loh\'Klahs
(选择03) Ischk\'nu?
(行动00) Commencing.
(行动01) Kokal\'tulah
(行动02) Gau\'ju
(行动03) Affirmative.

(闲聊00) I sense a soul in search of answers.
(闲聊01) It sounds like...a huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated
(闲聊02) One small step for man, one giant...(static) STOP POKING
ME!!! !
(wi闲聊04) Warcraft zwei, jetzt als Exklusivedition mit dem Expansion
Set...4 Boostern und Zauberlehrbuch

Dark Templar
(出场00) Adun Toridas!
(闲聊00) Your taunts are inadvised, Templar.
(闲聊01) Do not provoke me to violence.
(闲聊02) You can no more evade my wrath...
(闲聊03) ...Than you could your own shadow.
(选择01) Zerashk gulida!
(选择02) I\'m waiting.
(选择03) Neraz Gulio.
(行动00) For Aiur.
(行动01) Ner\'mah!
(行动02) So be it.
(行动03) Very well.

(出场00) It is a good day to die!
(闲聊00) Look at all the pretty lights!
(闲聊01) I wonder what this button does.
(闲聊02) (BEEP) I think this was a BIG mistake.
(闲聊03) (唱歌1)
(闲聊04) (唱歌2)
(闲聊05) Zefram Cochrane, is that you?
(闲聊06) What did you do to your hair?
(选择00) Ready for battle!
(选择01) May I be of service?
(选择02) I stand ready.
(选择03) Let us attack.
(行动00) Excellent!
(行动01) Adun Toridas!
(行动02) Ah, at last!
(行动03) I thought you\'d see it my way.

Dark Archon
(出场00) We are as one!
(闲聊00) Must consume.
(闲聊01) Or oblivion will take us.
(闲聊02) Adun, save me.
(闲聊03) Darkness overpowering!
(选择00) Must have energy!
(选择01) We hear you.
(选择02) Thoughts in chaos!
(选择03) Must feed!
(行动00) We\'ll go.
(行动01) Oblivion awaits!
(行动02) We move!
(行动03) (呻吟)

(Err00) You\'ve not enough minerals.
(Err01) You require more vespene gas.
(Err02) You must construct additional pylons.
(Err06) Not enough energy.
(Upd00) We are under ack!
(Upd01) Your warriors have engaged the enemy.
(Upd02) Research complete.
(Upd04) Nuclear launch detected.
(Upd06) Upgrade complete.


Infested Terran
(出场00) Live for the Swarm!
(闲聊00) I am wretched.
(闲聊01) But I am strong!
(闲聊02) I am the future.
(闲聊03) I am Zerg!
(选择00) Ready to kill!
(选择01) Preed to die!
(选择02) Let me serve!
(选择03) Sacrifice me!
(行动01) Immediately.
(行动02) Gladly!
(行动03) For the Overmind!

(Err00) We require more minerals.
(Err01) We require more vespene gas.
(Err02) Spawn more overlords.
(Err06) Not enough energy.
(Upd00) The hive cluster is under attack.
(Upd01) Our forces are under attack.
(Upd02) Evolution complete.
(Upd04) Nuclear launch detected.


第1个回答  2009-09-16
在《星际争霸》中,玩家扮演三种族中匿名的角色,游戏故事剧情透过游戏手册、游戏内的任务摘要、对话与过场动画呈现。游戏中任务共分为六个章。original(原版)三章,expansion(母巢之战) 三章;

在第一章中,玩家扮演人类联盟(Confederacy)的一名特使(Magistrate),由于科普鲁鲁(Koprulu)星区外围出现了婆佗斯(protoss)入侵和泽儿格(zerg)污染的迹象,你被派往玛?莎拉行星(Mar Sara)控制局势,在荒地(wasteland),你结识了豪爽的吉姆?瑞诺尔(Jim Raynor)。在清除泽儿格污染的过程中,你和吉姆干得很漂亮,结果却莫名其妙的被人类联盟的杜克将军(General Duke)收监入狱,后又被阿克图拉斯?蒙戈斯克(Arcturus Mengsk)领导的革命军,克哈之子(Sons of Korhal)所营救,加入了革命军。在军中,吉姆爱上了美丽性感的莎拉?克瑞格恩(Sarah Kerrigan),但她却在战斗中不幸被虫族俘获,并遭到了蒙斯克的抛弃。最终,当你和吉姆帮助蒙戈斯克推翻了人类联盟,突然之间才发现,革命,只不过是蒙斯克的谎言……


第二章中,玩家扮演一名虫族脑虫(Cerebrate),虫族主宰(Overmind)的忠实仆人。遭到俘获后的克瑞格恩(Kerrigan)被主宰复活成为了“刀锋女王”(Queen of Blade),她特立独行,但是却威力惊人,以扎斯泽(Zasz)为代表的脑虫发现克瑞格恩常有超越主宰意志的倾向,但主宰却对这个干女儿倍加信认不予责怪,并把查尔行星(Char)交给了克瑞格恩照管。但是,当主宰成功入侵婆佗斯(protoss)家园艾尔行星(Auir)之后,它怎么也没有想到,一个新生的人虫混合体已经悄然脱离了自己的控制。

玩家扮演的是一名神族执行官,在圣殿议会(the conclave)的指示下前往科普鲁鲁星区搜索失踪的前任执行官塔瑟达(Tassadar),但当你找到塔瑟达时却发现他正和被驱逐的暗黑圣殿武士泽拉图(Zeratul)在一起,因此圣殿议会的执法官阿达瑞斯(Aldaris)决定处死塔瑟达、泽拉图还有一个叫做吉姆的人类(Jim Raynor),矛盾不断升级,神族内战爆发。而遭糕的是,虫族却正在大举入侵,直到最后时刻,艾尔星系已经几乎被虫族完全污染,阿达瑞斯才番然醒悟与塔瑟达合解,而塔瑟达也在最后一战中得到了卡拉(khala)极乐……

失去了强大的塔瑟达(Tassadar)暗黑武士泽拉图(Zeratul)带领艾尔(Aiur)的幸存者逃往夏库拉斯行星(Shakuras)以躲避虫族(Zerg)的泛滥,没有想到虫族尾随而至,神族(protoss)不得不再一次面对虫族的威胁。在艾尔,主宰不是已经被塔瑟达(Tassadar)消灭了吗?正在神族迷惑不解之时,克瑞格恩(kerrigan)出现了,她告诉其它人说:在查尔行星(Char),一个新的主宰(Overmind)正在生成。 图文详见:

地球政府UED为收复殖民星区发动了远征,一场在蒙斯克皇朝(Dominion)和地球联邦(UED)之间的较量就此展开。远征军总司令吉拉德?杜刚(Gerard DuGalle)和他的副手阿历克塞?斯图科夫(Alexei Stucov)受命废黜蒙斯克大帝(Arcturus Mengsk)并俘获新的主宰(Overmind)。但是吉拉德?杜刚没有想到,主宰不过是一个傀儡,虫族的主人早已经不再是这个巨大的怪物。 图文详见:

莎拉?克瑞格恩(Sarah Kerrigan),自封为刀锋女王(Queen of Blade)的人虫混合体,她以各种手腕从蒙斯克大帝(Arcturus Mengsk)、吉姆?端勒尔(Jim Raynor)和芬尼克斯(Fenix)那里骗取了人族和神族的力量,和他们结成了同盟,并整合了三族的力量击败了地球联邦(UED)的远征军。在此之后,她屠杀了同盟,树立了对虫族(zerg)的绝对统治。莎拉?克瑞格恩成为了真正的刀锋女王,然而,虫族却因为长期的内外战争元气大伤,无法再找到充足的资源进行星际扩张,在极盛一时之后陷入了沉寂。 图文详见:
第2个回答  2009-09-16
StarCraft:BroodWar 全角色对白


版本问题? 我帮你找啦

(出场00) You want a piece of me, boy?
(闲聊00) We go move!
(闲聊01) Are you gonna give me orders?
(闲聊02) Oh my god! He's whacked!
(闲聊03) I vote we frag this commander.
(闲聊04) How do I get out of this chicken (BEEP) outfit?!
(闲聊05) You want a piece of me, boy?
(闲聊06) If it weren\'t for these damned neural implants you\'d be a
smoldering crater by now!
(Sti00) Ahh...That\'s the stuff!
(Sti01) Ahh...Yea!
(选择00) Commander.
(选择01) Standin\' by.
(选择02) Checked up and good to go.
(选择03) Give me something to shoot.
(行动00) Go! Go! Go!
(行动01) Let's move!
(行动02) Outstanding!
(行动03) Rock 'n roll!

(出场00) Need a light?
(闲聊00) Is something burning?
(闲聊01) Haha, that\'s what I thought.
(闲聊02) I love the smell of napalm.
(闲聊03) Nothing like a good smoke!
(闲聊04) Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue?
(闲聊05) Got any questions about propane?
(闲聊06) Or, propane accessories?
(选择00) Fire it up!
(选择02) You got my attention.
(选择03) Wanna turn up the heat?
(行动00) Naturally.
(行动01) Slammin!
(行动02) You've got it.
(行动03) Let's burn.

(出场00) Somebody called for an exterminator?
(闲聊00) You called down the thunder.
(闲聊01) Now reap the whirlwind.
(闲聊02) Keep it up! I dare ya.
(闲聊03) I\'m about to overload my aggression inhibitors.
(选择00) Ghost reporting.
(选择01) I\'m here.
(选择02) Finally!
(选择03) Call the shot.
(行动00) I hear that.
(行动01) I\'m gone.
(行动02) Never know what hit em.
(行动03) I\'m all over it.

(出场00) All right, bring it on!
(闲聊00) Something you wanted?
(闲聊01) I don\'t have time to f(BEEP)around!
(闲聊02) You keep pushing it boy.
(闲聊03) And I\'ll scrap you along with the aliens!
(选择00) What do YOU want?
(选择01) Yeah?
(选择02) I read ya, SIR.
(选择03) Somethin\' on your mind?
(行动00) Yeah, I\'m going.
(行动01) I dig.
(行动02) No problem!
(行动03) Oh, is that it?

(出场00) Goliath online. Goliath
(闲聊00) MilSpec ED-209 online.
(闲聊01) Checklist protocol initiated.
(闲聊02) Primary ? level one diagnostic...
(闲聊03) USDA Selected. USDA
(闲聊04) FDIC approved. FDIC
(闲聊05) Checklist Completed. SOB.
(选择00) Go ahead Tac-Com.
(选择01) Com-link online.
(选择02) Channel open.
(选择03) Systems functional.
(行动00) Acknowledged HQ.
(行动01) Nav-com locked.
(行动02) Confirmed.
(行动03) Target designated.

Siege Tank
(出场00) Ready to roll out!
(闲聊01) I\'m about to drop the hammer!
(闲聊02) And dispense some indiscriminate justice!
(闲聊03) What is your major malfunction?
(选择00) Yes sir!
(选择01) Destination?
(选择02) Identify target!
(选择03) Orders sir!
(行动00) Move it!
(行动01) Proceedin\'.
(行动02) Delighted to, sir!
(行动03) Absolutely!

(出场00) SCV, good to go, sir. SCV
(Err00) I can\'t build it, something\'s in the way.
(Err01) I can\'t build there.
(闲聊00) Come again, Captain?
(闲聊01) I\'m not readin\' you clearly.
(闲聊02) You ain\'t from around here, are you?
(闲聊03) I can\'t believe they put me in one of these things!
(闲聊04) And now I go put up with this too?
(闲聊05) I told em I was claustrophobic, I go get ou here!
(闲聊06) I\'m locked in here tighter than a frog\'s butt in a
seed fight.
(Tra00) ?

(出场00) Can I take your order?
(闲聊00) When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful.
(闲聊01) In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation
(闲聊02) To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you.
(闲聊03) Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a
and complete stop.
(选择00) Go ahead, HQ.
(选择01) I\'m listenin\'.
(选择02) Destination?
(选择03) Input coordinates.
(行动00) In the pipe, five by five.
(行动01) Hang on, we\'re in for some chop.
(行动02) In transit, HQ.
(行动03) Buckle up!
(行动04) Strap yourselves in boys!
(行动05) I copy that.

(出场00) Wraith awaiting launch orders.
(闲聊00) Last transmission breakin\' up...come back...
(闲聊01) I\'m just curious...why am I so good?
(闲聊02) I go get me one of these.
(闲聊03) You know who the best starfighter in the fleet is?
(闲聊04) Yours truly.
(闲聊05) Everybody go die sometime, Red.
(闲聊06) I am the invincible, that\'s right.
(选择00) Go ahead commander.
(选择01) Transmit coordinates.
(选择02) Standin\' by.
(选择03) Reporting in.
(行动00) Coordinates received.
(行动01) Ack formation.
(行动02) Roger.
(行动03) Vector locked-in.

(出场00) Battlecruiser operational.
(闲聊00) Identify yourself!
(闲聊01) Shields up! Weapons online!
(闲聊02) Not equipped with shields? well then buckle up!
(闲聊03) We are getting WAY behind schedule.
(闲聊04) I really have to go...number one.
(选择00) Battlecruiser reporting.
(选择01) Receiving transmission.
(选择02) Good day, commander.
(选择03) Hailing frequencies open.
(行动00) Make it happen.
(行动01) Set a course.
(行动02) Take it slow.
(行动03) Engage!

Science Vessel
(出场00) Explorer reporting.
(闲聊00) I like the cut of your jib!
(闲聊01) E=MC...d\'oh let me get my note. E=MC...?
(闲聊02) Ah, fusion, eh? I\'ll have to remember that.
(闲聊03) Eck, who set all these lab monkeys free?
(闲聊04) I think we may have a gas leak!
(闲聊05) Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernal
(闲聊06) Ah...the ship.... out of danger?
(选择00) Ah, greetings command!
(选择01) Transmit orders.
(选择02) Receiving headquarters!
(选择03) We have you on visual.
(行动00) Let\'s roll!
(行动01) Excellent!
(行动02) Commencing!
(行动03) Affirmative, sir.

(出场00) Prepped and ready!
(闲聊00) I\'ve already checked you out commander.
(闲聊01) You want another physical?
(闲聊02) Turn your head an cough.
(闲聊03) Ready for your sponge bath?
(闲聊04) His EKG is flatlining! Get me a defib stat!
(闲聊05) Clear! (bzzz)
(闲聊06) He\'s dead, Jim.
(选择00) Need medical attention?
(选择01) Did someone page me?
(选择02) State the nature of your medical emergency!
(选择03) Where does it hurt?
(行动00) Right away!
(行动01) Stat!
(行动02) I\'m on the job!
(行动03) On my way.

(出场00) Valkyrie preed. Valkyrie
(闲聊00) This is very interesting...but stupid.
(闲聊01) I have ways of blowing things up.
(闲聊02) You\'re being very naughty.
(闲聊03) Who\'s your mommy?
(闲聊04) Blucher!
(闲聊05) (horses neighing)
(选择00) Need something destroyed?
(选择01) I am eager to help.
(选择02) Don\'t keep me waiting.
(选择03) Achtung!
(行动00) Of course, mein heir.
(行动01) Perfect!
(行动02) It\'s showtime!
(行动03) Jawoll!
(行动04) Achtung!

(Err00) Not enough minerals.
(Err01) Insufficient vespene gas.
(Err02) Additional supply depots required.
(Err03) Landing sequence interrupted.
(Err04) Inacceptable landing zone.
(Err06) Not enough energy.
(Upd00) Base is under attack.
(Upd01) Your forces are under attack.
(Upd02) Research complete.
(Upd03) Add-on complete.
(UPD04) Nuclear launch detected.
(UPD05) Abandoning auxilorary structure.
(UPD06) Upgrade complete.
(Upd07) Nuclear missile ready.


(出场00) My life for Aiur!
(闲聊00) En Taro Adun!
(闲聊01) All for the Empire!
(闲聊02) Doom to all who threaten the homeworld.
(选择00) What now calls?
(选择01) Issah\'Tu!
(选择02) I long for combat!
(选择03) G\'hous!
(行动00) Gau\'gurah!
(行动01) Thus I serve!
(行动02) Honor guide me!
(行动03) For Adun!

(出场00) I have returned.
(闲聊00) Unauthorized transmission.
(闲聊01) Incorrect protocol.
(闲聊02) (BEEP)Drop your weapon. You have 15 seconds to comply. \"
(闲聊03) 5,4,3,2,1 (fire)
(选择00) Receiving.
(选择01) Awaiting instructions.
(选择02) Transmit.
(选择03) Input command.
(选择04) Glah\'sos
(选择05) Cah\'karadahs
(选择06) Make use of me.
(选择07) I am needed.
(行动00) Confirmed.
(行动01) Initiating.
(行动02) Loch\'tide.
(行动03) Meto\'rah
(行动04) Commencing.
(行动05) Nagat\'soon
(行动06) For vengeance.

High Templar
(出场00) Hasah-hurditum-hari!
(闲聊00) Your thoughts betray you.
(闲聊01) I see you have an appetite for destruction.
(闲聊02) And you learn to use your illusion.
(闲聊03) But I find your lack of control disturbing.
(选择00) Your thoughts?
(选择01) Saragh\'ha!
(选择02) I heed thy call.
(选择03) State thy bidding.
(行动00) You think as I do.
(行动01) It shall be done.
(行动02) My path is set.
(行动03) Ee\'tahk

(出场00) The merging is complete!
(闲聊00) It all looks so different on this side.
(闲聊01) Break on through!
(闲聊02) It\'s beautiful!
(闲聊03) They should have sent a poet.
(选择00) We burn!
(选择01) We need focus!
(选择02) Thorasoh\'cahp
(选择03) Power overwhelming.
(行动00) Destroy!
(行动01) Annihilate!
(行动02) Obliterate!
(行动03) Eradicate!

(出场00) Teleport successful.
(闲聊00) Signal unstable.
(闲聊01) Psionic Link dissipating.
(闲聊02) Adjusting neural transmission.
(闲聊04) ...reengaged
(选择00) Awaiting command.
(选择01) Standing by.
(选择02) Contact.
(选择03) Cho\'gal
(行动00) Chaos
(行动01) Koh\'rahk
(行动02) ...acknowledged
(行动03) It will be done.

(出场00) Warp field stabilized.
(闲聊00) We sense a soul in search of answers.
(闲聊01) Do you seek knowledge of time travel?
(闲聊02) We\'ll take that as a
(闲聊03) And now for your first lesson. Hahaha.
(闲聊04) Do you seek knowledge of time travel?
(选择00) We feel your presence.
(选择01) Duras.
(选择02) Gun Adun
(选择03) We are vigilant.
(行动00) In Khast\'meen
(行动01) Jepahca\'zoen
(行动02) Gowron.

(出场00) Carrier has arrived!
(闲聊00) Our enemies are legion!
(闲聊01) And still you procrastinate!?
(闲聊02) Command, or you will be relieved!
(闲聊03) This is not an idle threat!
(选择00) Instructions.
(选择01) Your command?
(选择02) Loh\'Klahs
(选择03) Ischk\'nu?
(行动00) Commencing.
(行动01) Kokal\'tulah
(行动02) Gau\'ju
(行动03) Affirmative.

(闲聊00) I sense a soul in search of answers.
(闲聊01) It sounds like...a huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated
(闲聊02) One small step for man, one giant...(static) STOP POKING
ME!!! !
(wi闲聊04) Warcraft zwei, jetzt als Exklusivedition mit dem Expansion
Set...4 Boostern und Zauberlehrbuch

Dark Templar
(出场00) Adun Toridas!
(闲聊00) Your taunts are inadvised, Templar.
(闲聊01) Do not provoke me to violence.
(闲聊02) You can no more evade my wrath...
(闲聊03) ...Than you could your own shadow.
(选择01) Zerashk gulida!
(选择02) I\'m waiting.
(选择03) Neraz Gulio.
(行动00) For Aiur.
(行动01) Ner\'mah!
(行动02) So be it.
(行动03) Very well.

(出场00) It is a good day to die!
(闲聊00) Look at all the pretty lights!
(闲聊01) I wonder what this button does.
(闲聊02) (BEEP) I think this was a BIG mistake.
(闲聊03) (唱歌1)
(闲聊04) (唱歌2)
(闲聊05) Zefram Cochrane, is that you?
(闲聊06) What did you do to your hair?
(选择00) Ready for battle!
(选择01) May I be of service?
(选择02) I stand ready.
(选择03) Let us attack.
(行动00) Excellent!
(行动01) Adun Toridas!
(行动02) Ah, at last!
(行动03) I thought you\'d see it my way.

Dark Archon
(出场00) We are as one!
(闲聊00) Must consume.
(闲聊01) Or oblivion will take us.
(闲聊02) Adun, save me.
(闲聊03) Darkness overpowering!
(选择00) Must have energy!
(选择01) We hear you.
(选择02) Thoughts in chaos!
(选择03) Must feed!
(行动00) We\'ll go.
(行动01) Oblivion awaits!
(行动02) We move!
(行动03) (呻吟)

(Err00) You\'ve not enough minerals.
(Err01) You require more vespene gas.
(Err02) You must construct additional pylons.
(Err06) Not enough energy.
(Upd00) We are under ack!
(Upd01) Your warriors have engaged the enemy.
(Upd02) Research complete.
(Upd04) Nuclear launch detected.
(Upd06) Upgrade complete.


Infested Terran
(出场00) Live for the Swarm!
(闲聊00) I am wretched.
(闲聊01) But I am strong!
(闲聊02) I am the future.
(闲聊03) I am Zerg!
(选择00) Ready to kill!
(选择01) Preed to die!
(选择02) Let me serve!
(选择03) Sacrifice me!
(行动01) Immediately.
(行动02) Gladly!
(行动03) For the Overmind!

(Err00) We require more minerals.
(Err01) We require more vespene gas.
(Err02) Spawn more overlords.
(Err06) Not enough energy.
(Upd00) The hive cluster is under attack.
(Upd01) Our forces are under attack.
(Upd02) Evolution complete.
(Upd04) Nuclear launch detected.
第3个回答  2009-09-16
