英语 单词 词组造句 越简单越好!

ability 能力
be able to do 能够干某事
above 在...上面
go abroad 出国
traffic accidents 交通事故
by accident偶然地

ability 能力:Everybody believes in his ability.
be able to do 能够干某事:She is able to sing.她能唱歌。
above 在...上面:The book is lying above the desk:书躺在桌上。
go abroad 出国:I will go abroad to spend my summer holiday.我要出国过暑假。
absent不在场的:He is always absent during class time.他总是旷课。
accent口音:She speaks English with a Chinese accent.她说英文带有中文口音。
accept接受:You have to accept the truth.你得接受现实。
traffic accidents 交通事故:There are always some traffic accidents take place on that street.那条街上总是发生交通事故。
by accident偶然地:I find 100 RMB on the floor by accident.我偶然发现地上有100块钱。