翻译句子 用英文的(用括号里的词组)

1 这所夜校的学生来自社会各界。(all walks of life)
2 同学们上课认真听讲,下课积极参与各项娱乐活动。(be involved in)
3 作为一名广受不同年龄人喜欢的小说家,她的作品对好几代人都有广泛影响。(impact)
4 几乎无一例外地,迪斯尼的卡通受到了世界各地人们的喜爱。(without exception , favour)
5 对于公司而言,员工们的个人能力固然重要,但员工之间良好合作的能力也是公司取得成功的关键。(cooperate with)
6 对于高中生来说,掌握恰当的学习方法,即学会学习,变得日益重要。(grow
ever more important)
很急嘚 帮帮忙啦

This is one of the evening of the students come from all sectors of society. (All walks of life)
2 school students to seriously listen and actively participate in recreational activities after class. (Be involved in)
3 as a popular novelist of all ages who enjoy her works of several generations of people have wide-ranging implications. (Impact)
4 Almost without exception, the Disney cartoon has been a favorite of people around the world. (Without exception, favour)
5 For the companies, employees of the individual ability is important, but the capacity of the good cooperation between employees is also key to the success the company. (cooperate with)
6 for high school students who master the proper learning methods, namely, learning to learn, has become increasingly important. (Grow
ever more important)