

Unit 1 Topic 1
题号 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 总分
第一部分 听力 (20分)
Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)
( )1.A.Yes, I will. B.Yes, I am. C.Very good.
( )2.A.Thank you. B.Yes, I will. C.I must win.
( )3.A.He is good. B.He is friendly C.I think so.
( )4.A.You must come. B.What a shame! C.I hope you come.
( )5.A.Twice a week. B.For a long time. C.No, I don’t.
Ⅱ. 听对话,选择正确图片。每组对话读两遍。(5分)
( )6.

( )7.

( )8.

( )9.

( )10.

Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。(5分)
( )11.A.Class One. B.Class Two. C.Class Three.
( )12.A.A teacher. B.A doctor. C.A nurse.
( )13.A.Tom. B.Maria. C.Tom and Maria.
( )14.A.No, he doesn’t. B.Yes, he does.
C.No, he doesn’t, but Wang Junfeng does.
( )15.A.Honey. B.Candy. C.Chocolate.

Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)
( )16.Amy is from _______.
A.England B.America C.Canada
( )17.She likes _______.
A.music B.dancing C.sports
( )18.She likes playing _______.
A.tennis B.table tennis C.basketball
( )19.Which sports does Amy prefer?
A.Volleyball. B.Skiing. C.Swimming.
( )20.Amy thinks skiing _______.
A.is good for legs B.is a good way to keep her getting up early
C.can make her strong
第二部分 基础知识运用(55分)
Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10分)
( )1.—_______ do you prefer, walking or running?
—I like running better.
A.What B.How C.When D.Which
( )2.—Are you going to _______ our English club?
—Yes, I am.
A.take part in B.join C.took part in D.joined
( )3.The foreigners arrived _______ Shanghai _______ night.
A.at; at B.in; at C.in; in D.at; in
( )4. Xu Xia and her teammates are _______ the U.S.A. next week.
A.leaving for B.leave for C.to D.left
( )5.Mr. Xiang is the best teacher in our school. He is good _______ teaching.
A.for B.to C.with D.at
( )6.I want to be a doctor when I _______.
A.grow up B.talk about C.get up D.was born
( )7.I see Wei Han _______ English almost every morning.
A.reads B.reading C.read D.to read
( )8.—Which team are you going to play _______ the day after tomorrow?
—A team from No.7 Middle School. I hope we will win.
A.about B.with C.for D.against
( )9.Sam spends two hours _______ his homework every day.
A.to do B.doing C.do D.does
( )10.There _______ an English Party in our class next week.
A.is going to have B.is going to be C.will have D.have
Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分)
A.Yes, quite a lot.
B.And yours?
C.There is going to be a football game on CCTV5 this evening.
D.I prefer skating.
E.I like basketball best.
Frank:Which do you prefer, swimming or skating?
Sam: 11
Frank:Me, too. Do you skate much?
Sam: 12
Frank:What’s your favorite sport?
Sam:Football. What about you?
Frank: 13
Sam:Who is your favorite player?
Frank:Yao Ming. 14
Frank: 15 Don’t miss it!
Sam:Oh, I won’t.
Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)
Swimming is very popular. People like 16 in summer because water makes people feel 17 . If you like swimming but swim in a wrong place, it may be 18 . These years, a lot of people 19 when they were 20 themselves in the water, and most of them were students. Some people are not 21 in swimming. They often think they swim so well that 22 will happen to them in the water. Summer is here again. If you 23 swimming this summer, don’t get into water when you are 24 . If there is a “No Swimming ”sign, still don’t get into water. If you remember these, swimming 25 safe. Swimming is good for your health.
( )16.A.boating B.running C.swimming D.skating
( )17.A.hot B.cool C.cold D.warm
( )18.A.dangerous B.happy C.safe D.danger
( )19.A.dying B.died C.dead D.death
( )20.A.enjoying B.enjoyed C.helping D.helped
( )21.A.careless B.care C.careful D.carefully
( )22.A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something
( )23.A.will go B.go C.goes D.went
( )24.A.alone B.lonely C.safe D.danger
( )25.A.is B.be C.will be D.will
In almost every big university in the United States, football is a favorite sport. American football is not like soccer.
Players sometimes kick(踢) the ball, but they also throw(扔) the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field; they have four chances to move the ball ten yards(码). They can carry it or throw it. If they move it to the end of the field, they receive six points. This is called a touch-down(持球触地).
It’s difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the team try to stop the man who has the ball. If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team.
Thousands of people come to watch. They all yell for their favorite team. They dance and jump while they yell. Each team plays ten or eleven games each season. The season begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January the first. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on TV.
( )26.In America, football players can _______.
A.only kick the ball B.only throw the ball
C.only carry the ball D.kick, throw and carry the ball
( )27.There are _______ on each team.
A.ten players B.eleven players
C.twelve players D.thirteen players
( )28.If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team has to _______.
A.go home B.carry the ball ten yards
C.run with it D.kick the ball to the other team
( )29.The best teams play again _______.
A.on Christmas B.after the season ends
C.on New Year’s Day D.on Sunday
( )30.The underlined word “yell” in the passage means “_______”.
A.shout(喊) loudly B.jump C.talk loudly D.sing
2.26-meter-tall Yao Ming made his NBA debut (初次亮相) on October 23,2002 and got 6 points for the Houston Rockets in the game. The next day, he scored 16 points in another game.
Yao Ming, 22, has been a star in China for some time, but it is still under question as to whether he can play well in the NBA. Yao Ming said,“When you watch it on TV, it looks very easy. But when you are playing in the NBA , it is really difficult.” He said that joining the Houston Rockets was a new start and a new challenge.“I hope that through very hard work I can make everyone happy and help the Rockets win more games,”he said.
Yao Ming can speak some English. Both he and his teammates can understand each other. They don’t think there is a language problem. They say that Yao Ming is one of the best players in their team. They all like him.
( )31.On October 23, 2002, Yao Ming played his _______ game in the NBA.
A.first B.second C.third D.fourth
( )32.Yao Ming scored _______ points in the first two games for the Houston Rockets.
A.6 B.13 C.22 D.28
( )33.Yao Ming thinks that _______.
A.it is boring to play basketball B.playing in the NBA is not easy
C.it is difficult to watch NBA games on TV D.he is an NBA star
( )34.From the passage we can learn that _______.
A.Yao Ming often watches TV B.Yao Ming will work hard for his team
C.Yao Ming is a very strong player D.The Rockets has lost several games
( )35.What’s the passage?
A.An ad B.A notice
C.An instruction D.A news report
Ai Fukuhara (福原爱),the Japanese table tennis star, was born on Nov.11, 1988. She started playing ping-pong when she was three. At that time, she was too small. She couldn’t see over the tabletop (桌面). She had to stand on boxes to play against adults (成人) in exhibition (展览) matches.
Now she is a very famous player. But she still works very hard and she practices for five hours a day during the week after morning school lessons and eight hours a day at the weekend.
In May 2003, Fukuhara made the quarterfinals (四分之一决赛) of the World Championships.
At the age of 15, she was the youngest player for Japan at the 2004 Olympic Games. She joined the Liaoning Club in 2005.“I hope I can learn from my Chinese teammates and improve (改善) my preparation for the 2008 Olympics.”said Ai Fukuhara.
Name Ai Fukuhara Birthday Nov.11, 1988
Nationality 36._______ Job ping-pong player
Career joined 37.___________________ in 2003
joined 38.___________________ in 2004
joined 39. ___________________ in 2005
Words or phrases to describe her 40. ___________________
第三部分 写作 (25分)
1.Let’s c_______ Liu Xiang on.
2.Work hard, and your f_______ is not a dream.
3.Things are looking p_______ good.
4.The Big Big World is a very p_______ song.
5.My grandma is old. There is something wrong with her h_______.
6.I _______ (grow) up in the countryside.
7.Jane prefers _______ (cycle).
8.Running can help you keep _______ (health).
9.Xiao Ming broke the men 800-meter-race _______ (record) at the school sports meeting.
10.Ann is going to go _______ (skate) with her classmates tomorrow.
stay in, play against, with, and, bad, win, cheer up

Receiver: Li Dong @ hotmail.com
Subject: Yao Ming arrived in Shanghai

Dear Li Dong,
How is everything these days? I miss you very much.
I’m glad to tell you that Yao Ming arrived in Shanghai 11 his teammates yesterday. The China’s National Team 12 the South Korea Team. I hope they will 13
the match. Their fans are very excited. They sang and danced happily. It’s too 14 that they aren’t going to 15 Shanghai for long. They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow.
Please write to me back soon!
Wu Ming
11.______ 12.______ 13.______ 14.______ 15.______
Time Activity
8: 30-9: 30 Wednesday morning
4: 00-5: 30 Friday afternoon
1: 00-2: 30 Saturday afternoon
tomorrow morning

第1个回答  2009-09-23