

第1个回答  2022-11-05

Bud aw m mista en if yah shew yer sperrit lang

I m just going , she said . was yer waitin to get in
“你是等着要进里面去么? ”

Why did ye reveal yer misfortune , christian

So if yer want t key , yer d better tacit

I s seed m befo ; i don t k yer to see em no mo .
我以前看过,不想再看了。 ”

Is it stfll a nd direct ba yer idkwzo trade

Thank heaven , it isn t me as as got th andpn of yer
谢谢天,幸得您的事与我无涉! ”

Aweel , ye maun e en gang yer gates

Sit ere then a bit , and warm yer , he said
“坐在这儿暖一暖吧。 ”他说。

Thish yer es of trust n to providence

What continuity ave yer got i your pfe

@ yes , if yer lookin ' from a bovine point of view

Take yer clothes off an look at yourselves

Yes , if yer lookin ' from a bovine point of view @

An tea s on t mantel ower yer ead ,
“茶杯和茶,是在你头脾炉架上。 ”

Sure , it does , yer honour : but it s an arm for all that
“不错,老爷,可到底是一只胳膊。 ”

Yer can turn me off at a wik s notice . it wor only . .

Why , isn t lady chatterley good to yer

Sit ye dahn , and think uh yer sowls !

When ye re a masher it ll never do not to let em love yer !
一个人既然是美男子,就该有人爱! ”

He said quickly . dunna yer say that
他忙说道, “你不要这样说!

I wish you would get over him , i ll change yer mind about everything

Boiled ham , cheese , pickled wa nuts , if yer pke . - nowt much

Eddie : yeah yer right . what about you

What have yer done ter yerselves , wi the blasted work

" why , dis - yer runaway nigger .
“啊,这个逃跑的黑奴啊。 ”

Am ah t pght yer a pttle fire
“要绘你生点吗? ”

They s rahm for boath ye un yer pride , now , i sud think , i the hahse

I don t k yer noth n bout that - it s the count i m thinkin about

" i doan k yer what de widder say , he warn t no wise man nuther

Ah canna tell yer , m lady

" what s eatin yer ?
“你凭什么东西生气? ”

What do we k yer for him

All yer pfe and you ll wind up alone . " i guess i would just pke to take you

" hold up yer hand !
“把你的手举起来! ”

" a body can t be too partic lar how they talk bout these - yer dead people , tom .
“汤姆,议论死人时要特别特别小心才对。 ”

What s yer hurry

Are yer cold ? he asked , in a soft , *** all voice , as if she were close , so close

What s yer rush

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Yer ought ter be apve an beautiful , an yer ugly an half dead . so i d tell em

Appen yer d better ave this key , an ah min fend for t bods some other road
“你还是把这片钥匙拿去吧,我会另外找个地方养幼雉去。 ”

You can help it by not in - if yer want to , he added , in a lower tone
他说, “你不来是可以的,要是你愿意。 ”他低声地添了一句。

" i tell yeh , mart , they won t be no kids workin in my laundry - not on yer pfe

They s nobbut t missis ; and shoo ll nut oppen t an ye mak yer flaysome dins till neeght
“除了太太没有别人。你就是闹腾到夜里,她也不会开。 ”

I thought you was gettin divorced . what continuity s that ? continuity o yer own stubbornness

And then a voice she had never heard before , sure then i m here ! digging for apples , yer honour
然后,是一个陌生的声音, “是,我在这儿挖苹果树呢?

I heard about enough of yer snivepng . shut yer fly trap ' afore i shut it for ye