

1 Last summer he went to the Ltaly.He was _ Italy last summer.
A to B in

2 It was the _ day of his holiday
A final B lastest

3 He will soon visit DAI==He will visit DAI _
A quickly B for a short time C shortly D in a hurry

4 He can't get a telephone==Telephones are hard to __
A take B obtain C receive

5 Urgent messages are important,so they must be sant _
A quickly B slowly

6 He put the __ of cheese in hie pocket
A bit B bar

7 Mpre trees grow _ his garden
A \ B tall C big

8 Every day the writer enters for the competition also.

9 Our clavichord is kept in the living room. That where we __ it
答案keep,不是KEPT ??

10 It's kept in the living room .That's where we _ it.
A have B hold C carry

11 repay是什么意思

12 His boat,__is Topsail,is famous
A whose the name B the whose name C of whom the name D the name of which

13 The Atlantic is__
A an ocean B a sea

14 It's always the same on these occasions.==It's always the same at _ like this.
A situations B conditions C places D times

15 hitch hiker什么意思


1、B 意为“他去年的暑假在意大利度过”。顺便说说那个题目的句子有问题。Italy是一个国家,前面不要加the。还有Italy拼错了,不是Ltaly。

2、A “最后的”一天,B的意思是“最近的”。

3、C 近期内去访。A指动作上的迅速。B意为“一段很短的时间”,D为“匆匆忙忙地”,均不符。

4、B 指拿到一台空闲的电话,这是词语的用法,没有什么理由,就像人们讲“打”电话,而不说“踢”电话一样。

5、A 紧急消息必须迅速发出。Urgent 是Emergency(紧急情况)的一个简体变形。

6、B 意为“他把那根乳酪棒放进口袋里”,bar指的是棒状物,通常是做成棒状的食物,例如chocolate bar(巧克力棒)。



9、用keep,因为是“we”keep it,前面出现的is已经提示了是一般现在时,所以不能用作为过去式的“kept”,而前面出现的kept是keep的被动式,不是过去式。意思是“被放在那保管”。

10、A 意为“它被放在起居室,那是我们得到它的地方。”我们在起居室得到(have)它,所以把它放在起居室了。

11、及物动词 vt.

I'll repay you all the money you lent me next week.
repay a visit

12、D 这是一个定语从句。本来简单句状态是“the name of it is Topsail”,现在要把它镶嵌进定语从句里,用which代替了it,which指代的是前面的“his boat”。句意为“他那艘名为topsail的船很有名”。

13、A。“大西洋是个海洋”。虽然B也是海洋的意思,但是用来指代某一个巨大的海洋的时候用ocean,sea只用在跟earth(陆地)、island(岛屿)相对的时候,比如上岸的海盗们得知镇压的军队已到,船长决定逃跑时会对船员大喊:“Get aboard,return to the sea!(上船,返回海面!)”

