
A second way for a chemical to listed is of an organization designated as an “authoritative body” by the CIC or DART Identification committee has identified it as causing cancer of birth defects or other reproductive harm. The following organizations have been designated as authoritative bodies: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (U.S. FDA), National Institutefor Occupational Safety and Health, National Toxicology Program, and International Agency for Research on Cancer.
A third way for a chemical to be listed is of an agency of the state or federal government requires that it be labeled or identified as causing cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. Most chemicals listed in this manner are prescription drugs that are required by U.S. FDA to contain warnings relating to cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm.
In Addition to there three listing procedures, Proposition 65 also requires the listing of chemicals meeting certain scientific criteria and identified in the California Labor Code as causing cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. This method was used to establish the initial chemical list following voter approval of Proposition 65 in 1986.
What requirements does Proposition 65 place on companies doing business in California?
Businesses are required to provide a “clear and reasonable” warning before knowingly and intentionally exposing anyone to a listed chemical. This warning can be given by a variety of means, such as by labeling a consumer product, posting signs at the workplace, distributing notices at a rental housing complex, or publishing notices in a newspaper. Once a chemical is listed, businesses have 12 months to comply with warning requirements.
Proposition 65 also prohibits companies that do business within California from knowingly discharging listed chemicals into sources of drinking water. Once a chemical is listed, businesses have 20 months to comply with the discharge prohibition.
Businesses with less than 10 employees and government agencies are exempt from Proposition 65’s warning requirements and prohibition on discharges into drinking water sources. Businesses are also exempt from the warning requirement and discharge prohibition of the exposures they cause are so low as to create no significant risk of cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. Health risks are explained in more detail below.
What does a warning mean
If a warning is placed on a product label or posted or distributed at the workplace, a business, or in rental housing, the business issuing the warning is aware or believes that one or more listed chemicals is present. By law, a warning must be given for listed chemicals unless exposure is low enough to pose no significant risk of cancer or is significantly below levels observed to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.


第1个回答  2009-08-15
第二个途径的化学品的上市是一个组织指定为“权威机构”的复合物或飞镖鉴定委员会确定为致癌出生缺陷或其他生殖损害。下列组织已被指定为权威机构:美国环境保护署,美国食品和药物管理局(美国食品及药物管理局) ,国家研究所职业安全和健康,国家毒物学计划,与国际癌症研究机构。
此外,有三类上市程序, 65号提案还要求上市的化学品符合某些科学标准,并确定了在加州劳动法是导致癌症或先天缺陷或其他生殖损害。这种方法被用来建立最初的化学品名单如下选民批准65号提案于1986年。
第2个回答  2009-08-15
另外还有三个上市手续,还要求上市的命题的65岁以上的特定化学物质科学标准及会议确定在加州劳动代码作为致癌或致畸或其他生殖伤害。这种方法被用来建立初始化学列表下面的命题选民核准65 1986年。
第3个回答  2009-08-15
第二个途径的化学品的上市是一个组织指定为“权威机构”的复合物或飞镖鉴定委员会确定为致癌出生缺陷或其他生殖损害。下列组织已被指定为权威机构:美国环境保护署,美国食品和药物管理局(美国食品及药物管理局) ,国家研究所职业安全和健康,国家毒物学计划,与国际癌症研究机构。
此外,有三类上市程序, 65号提案还要求上市的化学品符合某些科学标准,并确定了在加州劳动法是导致癌症或先天缺陷或其他生殖损害。这种方法被用来建立最初的化学品名单如下选民批准65号提案于1986年。

第4个回答  2009-08-15
A second way for a chemical to listed is of an organization designated as an “authoritative body” by the CIC or DART Identification committee has identified it as causing cancer of birth defects or other reproductive harm. The following organizations have been designated as authoritative bodies: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (U.S. FDA), National Institutefor Occupational Safety and Health, National Toxicology Program, and International Agency for Research on Cancer.

美国FDA ) ,国家研究所职业安全和健康,国家毒物学计划,与国际癌症研究机构。

A third way for a chemical to be listed is of an agency of the state or federal government requires that it be labeled or identified as causing cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. Most chemicals listed in this manner are prescription drugs that are required by U.S. FDA to contain warnings relating to cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm.
In Addition to there three listing procedures, Proposition 65 also requires the listing of chemicals meeting certain scientific criteria and identified in the California Labor Code as causing cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. This method was used to establish the initial chemical list following voter approval of Proposition 65 in 1986.
What requirements does Proposition 65 place on companies doing business in California?

此外,有三类上市程序, 65号提案还要求上市的化学品符合某些科学标准,并确定了在加州劳动法是导致癌症或先天缺陷或其他生殖损害。这种方法被用来建立最初的化学品名单如下选民批准65号提案于1986年。

Businesses are required to provide a “clear and reasonable” warning before knowingly and intentionally exposing anyone to a listed chemical. This warning can be given by a variety of means, such as by labeling a consumer product, posting signs at the workplace, distributing notices at a rental housing complex, or publishing notices in a newspaper. Once a chemical is listed, businesses have 12 months to comply with warning requirements.


Proposition 65 also prohibits companies that do business within California from knowingly discharging listed chemicals into sources of drinking water. Once a chemical is listed, businesses have 20 months to comply with the discharge prohibition.


Businesses with less than 10 employees and government agencies are exempt from Proposition 65’s warning requirements and prohibition on discharges into drinking water sources. Businesses are also exempt from the warning requirement and discharge prohibition of the exposures they cause are so low as to create no significant risk of cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. Health risks are explained in more detail below.
What does a warning mean


If a warning is placed on a product label or posted or distributed at the workplace, a business, or in rental housing, the business issuing the warning is aware or believes that one or more listed chemicals is present. By law, a warning must be given for listed chemicals unless exposure is low enough to pose no significant risk of cancer or is significantly below levels observed to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.

