

脯 搓 1912妖年4月10日,被增称为“世界工一业呢史积上的奇迹胡”琼的镐“嘎泰袖坦尼椅克号誉”蹦从偏英国珊的南安忧普垒顿出梁发低驶屉往抗美保国纽约攫。富家炕少校女草罗好丝他与母亲及蛛未微婚及夫弓卡尔一道上船,瞒另一边叭,不匠羁顿的眯少庇年饮画家杰克靠五在活码谍头上睡的棍一场绅赌博赢到了船戎票。罗盂丝早缨就姆看羞出卡呛尔是个十足的邀势肪利小人斌,从论心底桨里不唁愿烁嫁给医他,甚至打疡算预投海自尽。鳃关贷键驴时垫刻,杰克一把柳抱住了少块女峦罗丝,两羞个剂年祈轻韧人道由此相识酚。




April 15, 1912, No. 1316 abandoned house by carrying passengers and 891 Yishu ship cutting member of Koo's wife Thai luxury ship "Thai Plastic坦尼克Xie pimple No." swelling of the liver cake and ice collided and Shen Shan mother did not win, the sea mud was difficult to identify compact Mainz 20 to 10 yo century thought the world largest hard you hurt one of disaster. In 1985, the "No. Nick耶泰坦kiln" Ai's condolences sunken wrecks get left behind, including two pan cubeba cavity in the North Atlantic sea and the whole mile and a half by the end of slot trench is Guangyou bonds. Beans into the United States and State-ping sore home insurance Lowe silicon dissolved in person submarine warfare special fishing vessel to the seabed in the career assessment module wall fat out of the wall of the first saw mill bracteata painting a tree, Los tear of the premises to maintain the current plan immediately Yao Guo raised from 61-bit blunt silver woman's attention. Pancreatic leakage have been 102 years old, as is the high negative tarts old plastic climbing Rose claimed that her secret is Xiao-yan girl painting properly. Mountain cabins in the dive operators, Rose describes the system before opening indiscriminate force her hoop in the end it is true, xi.

In 1912 demon twist prolyl April 10 and was called by "the world does the history of industry workers plot a miracle Hu" Joan of ho "Brittany chair sleeve嘎泰grams reputation No." jumped from the side of the Nan-shan, worry the United Kingdom & P Dayton baseman made a low-beam driving Baoguo drawer to resist the United States captured in New York. Major wealthy woman kang Luo good grass silk and spider he and his mother married and the husband did not micro-arch Carl on board, together, to avoid the other side of speakers, not the blind Dayton Carpenter kept less drinking in the painter Jack Bailey by five yards in the loose head spy sleeping Chance of a gambling club to win tickets to the ship Rong. Luo Ying Yu wire back on the el shame to see the card is a full choke Seoul at the invitation of the potential environmental benefit small-bin, from the paddle on the bottom of my heart is no medical condolences to marry, he would like to sparkle, and even throw themselves into the sea to fight ulcers pre-count himself. Branchial clearance when the loan-to-key pad carved donkey, Jack Liu a woman clinging to a small block Hsiukuluan Rose, two years shy of agents resulting humanitarian imperative light Ren phenol acquaintance.

Troubleshooting earn less for the credit risk of heart F S T of the push and Egypt worry about validation, to Jack Luo fierce-looking wood with solid wire of Health to find the column earn a happy living wing of the Department is indeed dry. Eight very fast, lively and beautiful habitat Rose and death dates of the open-fung, handsome Jack Lang debt love feed, the Rose of the World off clothing, wear a yao Seoul sent by harsh card la necklace suspect her of God, let sleeve kit Oh grams greedy for her paintings delay Khan as optional, as they pour down as his love of see busy key card. When the book when they visit Xian Nien sex, sokolowskii "Titanic" hit the ice Correctional Tsai Cheng-shan.

Atlanto绝艳who suffer ulcer disease Yue sad drama of Zhangze Huaisheng made, the Titans set Nigeria on the No. 1 Jia Hu Ke confusion, in the critical slip submerge, the ax Dai people in prison-type nature of worship moisture quite good with the ugly Brazing fat evil, nobility and poor pine for British Columbia Canada thought the buck points and more plastic shipped out. Jack stops to catch understanding of Health to give depositors the opportunity to find love Savage one of the deep-fried rib silk waste Luo, Geng Cui own cat in the Ice strains of frozen hope Zhangweixin death.

Sarcoptes old state-minute-long domestic罗乔丝failure stresses in paragraph after reading this treacherous day mourning grief Zygomatic white limb Pu love to prisoners after the meal situation, the dead at noon that the value of Bi Liancheng string of beads procyonoides Nie Shen Bao Trade Yu into the sea at the end of it accompanied Ge Xuan Ha Jack paragraph and the love beads to make a long break at the end of Mian Khan sea.


第1个回答  2009-08-19
April 15, 1912, No. 1316 abandoned house by carrying passengers and 891 Yishu ship cutting member of Koo's wife Thai luxury ship "Thai Plastic坦尼克Xie pimple No." swelling of the liver cake and ice collided and Shen Shan mother did not win, the sea mud was difficult to identify compact Mainz 20 to 10 yo century thought the world largest hard you hurt one of disaster. In 1985, the "No. Nick耶泰坦kiln" Ai's condolences sunken wrecks get left behind, including two pan cubeba cavity in the North Atlantic sea and the whole mile and a half by the end of slot trench is Guangyou bonds. Beans into the United States and State-ping sore home insurance Lowe silicon dissolved in person submarine warfare special fishing vessel to the seabed in the career assessment module wall fat out of the wall of the first saw mill bracteata painting a tree, Los tear of the premises to maintain the current plan immediately Yao Guo raised from 61-bit blunt silver woman's attention. Pancreatic leakage have been 102 years old, as is the high negative tarts old plastic climbing Rose claimed that her secret is Xiao-yan girl painting properly. Mountain cabins in the dive operators, Rose describes the system before opening indiscriminate force her hoop in the end it is true, xi.

In 1912 demon twist prolyl April 10 and was called by "the world does the history of industry workers plot a miracle Hu" Joan of ho "Brittany chair sleeve嘎泰grams reputation No." jumped from the side of the Nan-shan, worry the United Kingdom & P Dayton baseman made a low-beam driving Baoguo drawer to resist the United States captured in New York. Major wealthy woman kang Luo good grass silk and spider he and his mother married and the husband did not micro-arch Carl on board, together, to avoid the other side of speakers, not the blind Dayton Carpenter kept less drinking in the painter Jack Bailey by five yards in the loose head spy sleeping Chance of a gambling club to win tickets to the ship Rong. Luo Ying Yu wire back on the el shame to see the card is a full choke Seoul at the invitation of the potential environmental benefit small-bin, from the paddle on the bottom of my heart is no medical condolences to marry, he would like to sparkle, and even throw themselves into the sea to fight ulcers pre-count himself. Branchial clearance when the loan-to-key pad carved donkey, Jack Liu a woman clinging to a small block Hsiukuluan Rose, two years shy of agents resulting humanitarian imperative light Ren phenol acquaintance.

   Troubleshooting earn less for the credit risk of heart F S T of the push and Egypt worry about validation, to Jack Luo fierce-looking wood with solid wire of Health to find the column earn a happy living wing of the Department is indeed dry. Eight very fast, lively and beautiful habitat Rose and death dates of the open-fung, handsome Jack Lang debt love feed, the Rose of the World off clothing, wear a yao Seoul sent by harsh card la necklace suspect her of God, let sleeve kit Oh grams greedy for her paintings delay Khan as optional, as they pour down as his love of see busy key card. When the book when they visit Xian Nien sex, sokolowskii "Titanic" hit the ice Correctional Tsai Cheng-shan.

   Atlanto absolutely amoroms who suffer ulcer disease Yue sad drama of Zhangze Huaisheng made, the Titans set Nigeria on the No. 1 Jia Hu Ke confusion, in the critical slip submerge, the ax Dai people in prison-type nature of worship moisture quite good with the ugly Brazing fat evil, nobility and poor pine for British Columbia Canada thought the buck points and more plastic shipped out. Jack stops to catch understanding of Health to give depositors the opportunity to find love Savage one of the deep-fried rib silk waste Luo, Geng Cui own cat in the Ice strains of frozen hope Zhangweixin death.

   Sarcoptes old state-minute-long domestic luoqiaosi failure stresses in paragraph after reading this treacherous day mourning grief Zygomatic white limb Pu love to prisoners after the meal situation, the dead at noon that the value of Bi Liancheng string of beads procyonoides Nie Shen Bao Trade Yu into the sea at the end of it accompanied Ge Xuan Ha Jack paragraph and the love beads to make a long break at the end of Mian Khan sea.
第2个回答  2009-08-16

  The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She was carrying 1,316 passengers and crew of 891. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship. At the time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen watertight compartments. Even if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life.

  Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy water of the North Atlantic, huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense walk of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below, and the captain went down to see what had happened. The noise had been so faint that no one though that the ship had been damaged. Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded! The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water. As there were not enough lifeboats for everybody, 1,500 lives本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2009-08-31
April 15, 1912, abandoned house by Yi carrying 1316 passengers and 891 members of Ku chisel Thai wife boat luxury Wheel "Thai Xie Tan Nike Plastic ID wart" cake and ice ruffian Hill collided and Shen mother did not sing, This sea mud is difficult Tribulus terrestris has been identified as a 20 yo century radium 10 human addiction is difficult you are one of the major disaster seedlings. In 1985, "Ye Taitan Nick kiln number" Oi wreck of condolence get left behind in the North Atlantic including Pan Cang two bones of the body cavity of the sea the whole mile and a half at the end of the current trench trough was Yau bonds. Dou Ping, the U.S. insurance companies explore sore States War special melting of silicon Lowe himself into the undersea submersible fish tank in the ship-ya comment wall out the walls of fat the first picture to see a bud a grind tree,
Luo Fa Yao tears to maintain the current map of the museum immediately raised collar 61 Kuo Yin-old woman blunt attention. Pancreatic leakage has been a 102-year-old tart to climb the high negative-age plastic Rose claimed that her secret is that Xiao Yan girl painting properly. Yue Office cabin in diving, Rose began to open abuse of the system described her as a force last year hoop so true, xi.
Chest rub 1912 demon-year April 10, is increasing as "the world does the industry work a miracle on the history of the plot Hu" Joan of ho "Gatai sleeves Tanni chair reputation No. g" jumped from the British side of the Nan-shan, worry & P Liang Lei Gordon out of the low-drive tray to grab New York to defend the country against the United States. Major grass kang Luo wealthy woman his mother and a good spider silk micro-marriage and the husband is not a bow Karl on board, hiding the other side of the pit and not Carpenter halter tons of squint less shelter through five years of drinking painter Jack head to sleep in the living yards Spy A gentleman's club to gamble to win the boat Rong votes. Luo Ying Yu wire back on the Beam shame to see a card choke Fall is a perfect villain to invite potential Fang Li Bin, from the paddle on the bottom of my heart where no condolence would like to sparkle, he married doctor, and even considered playing ulcer pre-Touhai suicide.
Off gill when the loan-to-key pad carved donkey, Jack Liu a woman clinging to a small block of Luan Rose, two shame a dose of humanity this year pray for light Ren met phenol.
Earned less sulfur for troubleshooting on credit risk women in the tread Heart Pen Yan worry worry about Egypt, can Jack Caracal with solid wood wool Luo earned consistently found living wing of Health and Happiness is indeed at the dry column. Are eight fast, beautiful and lively fauna and death date Rose Kai-fung, handsome Jack Lang debt love feed, and Rose off the World under the clothes, wear a yao harsh cards have been sent to nirvana Seoul God's necklace that she suspected, sleeve so that Jie greedy g Oh, for her painting JI Khan, like selection, as Cuo pour their love as his key card to see busy. When the book They love Sian sticky line, Nie "Titanic" hit the ice Correctional Tsai Cheng-shan.
Old Scabies state commission minutes of Long Lane End Song-speaking Luo Qiaosi defeat this evil Pu Duan sad days zygomatic grief to love prisoners love the white limbs, after meals, the price of Zuhr dry that the value of Pi string beads Raccoon City Link's Nie Bao Shen Trade Yu at the end of the sea, it germanium accompanied Jack Xuan Ha and this bustling section of love beads at the end of a long break dormancy sea Khan.
Old Scabies state commission minutes of Long Lane End Song-speaking Luo Qiaosi defeat this evil Pu Duan sad days zygomatic grief to love prisoners love the white limbs, after meals, the price of Zuhr dry that the value of Pi string beads Raccoon City Link's Nie Bao Shen Trade Yu at the end of the sea, it germanium accompanied Jack Xuan Ha and this bustling section of love beads at the end of a long break dormancy sea Khan.
第4个回答  2009-08-27