
Supply the correct from of the verbs in parentheses:
Before_(go)to bed,I set the alarm clock to ring at six in the morningbecause Iwanted to get up early.It_(seem)to me that I no sooner_(go)to sleep than than the alarm_(ring).It_(be)exactly 6 o'clock.After_(spend)another ten minutes in bed,I_(get)up and _(dress).It_(be)still dark when I_(get)outside.There_(be)no buses so I_(hurry)to the station on foot.I_(walk)for ten minutes when I_(decide)to stop and have a cup of tea at a cafe which just_(open).You can imagine my surprise when I_(discover)thar the time_(be)only a quater to six!The night before I_(set)the alarm to ring an hour too soon!

Suppose you were writing a newspaper report of the above conversation.Complete the following:
After the crash,two angry drivers got out of their cars.The first driver asked sarcastically whether the other man always____when he _He_on the wrong side of the road.Shouting angrily,the second driver asked the first one whether_He_on the wrong side of the road when the first man_him because the other side_full of holes.He asked him if he_The first driver then asked whether_He said that he_There_he added,good driving schools for people like the other driver.There they_you lots of things---how to drive a car for instance.Grateful for thin information,the second man angrily informed the first one that he_to be a driving instructor.

呼,累啊,在下午之前做完谢谢T T
我等……其实第二个我一点也做不出……T T

  店 员:这是店里最贵的型号。它的售价是500英镑。
  店 员:这种型号的比那种要便宜些。它只要300英镑。但是,它当然没有价钱高的那种好。
  店 员:当然可以。您可以先付30英镑定金,然后每月14镑,3年付清。
  弗里斯夫人:我当然喜欢, 但是我不喜欢这个价钱。你总是要买最好的,可我们买不起。有时候你认为自己是个百万富翁!
  model n. 模型
  afford v. 付得起(钱)
  deposit n. 预付定金
  instalment n. 分期付款
  price n. 价格
  millionaire n. 百万富翁
  一. 单词拓展:
  1. model 课文中,是模型的意思。如飞机模型(model areoplane),轮船模型(model ship)。那汽车模型应该怎么说呢?此外,model 除了模型的意思外,还可以表示模特。如走T台的模特 fashion model,平面模特 still model。那车模又应该怎么说?
  2 millionaire 百万富翁 millionaire是个合成词,有million(百万)+aire 组成。那亿万富翁怎么说呢?
  现在我们复习一下计数单位,在英语里,每三位数为一个计数单位。我们从小到大复习一遍,thousand (千),million(百万), billion(十亿),trillion (万亿)。给大家一个英语表达数字的小技巧:表达数字前,拿起笔,从个位数向高位数字作记号,每三位数字为一个单位。
  如 123,456,789,123 (one hundred twenty three billion,four hundred fifty-six million, seven hundred eighty-nine thousand,one hundred twenty- three.)
  3. A be as+adj+as B A跟B一样……
  这是一个比较中的等价句型:A跟B一样……例句:她跟我一样重。She is as heavy as me. 那我跟她一样重,应该怎么说?
  如果想表达A不如B时,我们只需要在这个结构中的be动词后面加上not。如她不如我重。She is not as heavy as me.
  二 【口语学习】购物英语
  问价:How much does it cost?(课文)
  How much is it?
  What's the price?/Could you tell me its price?
  报价:It costs+价格 / It is +价格
  还价:It is too expensive/dear
  The price is a bit high.
  I'm afraid I cannot afford it. 恐怕买不起。afford 买得起,付得起钱
  Would you lowit down? 能不能低一点?
  打折:give sb +20%discount 打某人八折 (折扣额=1-百分数)
  如:打七折,怎样?What about 30% discount? 小思考:给你打九五折。应该怎么说?
  付款:1)现金付款 pay in cash 2) 刷卡 pay in credit
  3)分期付款 buy sth on instalment 4)支付定金 pay/put down a deposit

  1.buy on instalments,以分期付款的方式购买。
  I have bought this house on instalments.
  2.…and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.……然后每月14镑,3年付清。

  语法 Grammar in use
  形容词的比较形式有3种:较高比较级(more expensive, the most expensive);较低比较级(less expensive, the least expensive) ;平级比较级 (as expensive as)。
  The green apple is as sweet as the red one.
  The policeman is as tall as the policewoman.
  The white knife is as sharp as the black one.
  I don't know as many people as you do.
  Robert is not as old as he looks.
  The blue car is not as clean as the red car.

  词汇学习 Word study
  1.afford v.
  She can't afford a new coat.
  We are not rich enough to afford a car.
  I feel I can' t afford any more time on this project.
  We can't afford such enormous fees.
  He put down a deposit on the house yesterday.
  You'll have to pay a deposit of $ 60 to reserve the room
  We were advised to deposit our valuables in the bank safe
  I deposited $ 1,500 on a new car.

  练习答案 Key to written exercises
  Lesson 112
  1 This book is cheap, but that one is cheaper.
  2 This book is expensive, but that one is more expensive.
  3 This question is easy, but that one is easier.
  4 This question is difficult, but that one is more difficult.
  1 Is the policeman as tall as the policewoman?
  No, he isn't. The policeman isn't as tall as the policewoman.
  2 Is the man as short as the woman?
  No, he isn't. The man isn't as short as the woman.
  3 Is the boy as old as the girl?
  No, he isn't. The boy isn't as old as the girl.
  4 Is the red pencil as blunt as the green pencil?
  No, it isn' t. The red pencil isn't as blunt as the green pencil.
  5 Is the blue car as clean as the red car?
  No, it isn't. The blue car isn't as clean as the red car.
  6 Is the woman as fat as the man?
  No, she isn't. The woman isn't as fat as the man.
  1 No, it isn't . It is more expensive.
  It's the most expensive radio I've ever seen.
  2 No, he isn't. He is more intelligent.
  He's the most intelligent person I've ever met.
  3 No, it isn't. It is more interesting.
  It's the most interesting book I've ever read.
  4 No, it isn't. It is less difficult.
  It's the least difficult test I've ever done.
第1个回答  2009-08-05
Supply the correct from of the verbs in parentheses:
Before(went)to bed,I set the alarm clock to ring at six in the morningbecause Iwanted to get up early.It(seemed)to me that I no sooner(went)to sleep than than the alarm(rang).It(was)exactly 6 o'clock.After(spent)another ten minutes in bed,I(got)up and (dressed).It(was)still dark when I(got)outside.There(was)no buses so I(hurried)to the station on foot.I(walked)for ten minutes when I(decided)to stop and have a cup of tea at a cafe which just(opened).You can imagine my surprise when I(discovered)thar the time(was)only a quater to six!The night before I(set)the alarm to ring an hour too soon!

第2个回答  2009-08-10
第3个回答  2009-08-05
第4个回答  2018-03-04