

眼前看见的所有东西 都好象怪物
无法动摇 时间的重负
追随过去的亡灵 腐败 消散 远走
渐渐被冲走 被吞蚀
赶快采撷 趁她还没有凋谢
不知不觉之间 蓓蕾已经盛开
这双手臂中 所抱持的梦想
前方是 视野中零点的海面
如果看见的东西 全部变化莫测
那样也很好哦 就拥着花儿入眠
如果挥挥手 让她化作尘埃
变幻无常的代价 毫不吝惜地挥霍 无法抑制的冲动
终于了解了 疼痛令人颤抖
你心中干渴的花儿 需要水分
可以盛开燎原 也可以干枯凋谢
二选一的游戏 DICE
赶快采撷 趁她还没有凋谢
不知不觉之间 蓓蕾已经盛开
是否在向你倾诉 她的昨天
Dice away.
Once and for all, Dice away.
Once and for all, Dice away.
Once and for all, Dice away???
Up to you
第1个回答  2010-04-07
Yeah, I could hide in the calm of the eye of the storm
And never blow away
Well, I'm a young man with a knife to my back
Some things never seem to change
Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide
Sing the song or keep it inside
Bought the farm, but the farmer done died
Sing that song, sing that song inside
I wish I could live in the dream
that I fly on the tarred & freathered wings
Well, I'm losing a game of reality
dice where the dealer never ever pays
Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide
Sing the song or keep it inside
Bought the farm, but the farmer done died
Sing that song, sing that song inside
Stone Temple Pilots
I wanna be as big as a mountain
I wanna fly as high as the sun
I wanna know what the rent's like in heaven
I wanna know where the river goes
Yeah, I could hide in the calm of the eye of the storm
And never blow away
Well, I'm a young man with a knife to my back
Some things never seen to change
Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide
Sing the song or keep it inside
Bought the farm, but the farmer done died
Sing that song, sing that song inside
I wanna be as big as a mountain
I wanna fly as high as the sun
I wanna know what the rent's like in heaven
I wanna know where the river goes
If I was stronger
I could be a mountain range
If night was longer
Could I escape the day?
I could be a mountain range
If night was longer
Could I escape the day?
Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide
Sing the song or keep it inside
Bought the farm, but the farmer done died
Sing that song, sing that song inside
I wanna be as big as a mountain
I wanna fly as high as the sun
I wanna know what the rent's like in heaven
I wanna know where the river...
I wanna be as big as a mountain
I wanna fly as high as the sun
I wanna know what the rent's like in heaven
I wanna know where the river goes
Where the river goes
Where the river goes
Where the river, yeah
Where the river
Where the river
Where the river
Where the river
Where the river goes
Where the river goes