

Nasreddin is an old man. 1 he and some of his old friends were talking 2 young people in their town.They 3 agreed that old people were cleverer than 4 .Then one of the old men said,“But young men are 5 than old men.”
6 of them agreed that it was 7 except Nasreddin.He said,“No,I am as strong now as I 8 in my young days.”
“ 9 do you mean?”said his friends.“How 10 that be true?”
“Well,”said Nasreddin,“ 11 is a big stone at a corner of my field. 12 I was a young man,I tried to 13 it,but I couldn't. I am old now.I 14 can't move it,just like when I was 15 .”
1.A.Some day B.One day C.Other day D.A day
2.A.about B.over C.with D.to
3.A.all B.everyone C.every D.both
4.A.little B.the little C.young D.the young
5.A.more foolish B.better C.cleverer D.stronger
6.A.Some B.All C.Nobody D.Every
7.A.all right B.sure C.right D.wrong
8.A.was B.will be C.did D.am
9.A.Who B.Which C.What D.How
10.A.can B.shall C.must D.will
11.A.It B.This C.There D.Here
12.A.Before B.When C.After D.Because
13.A.find B.carry C.get D.move
14.A.still B.sometimes C.certainly D.maybe
15.A.young B.small C.big D.old

1.指过去“有一天”,通常以One day开头。some day一般指将来“终有一天”。“几天前”可以说the other day。本题选B。
2.根据句意“谈论年轻人”,应说talk about。talk over可表示“讨论”,一般接表示事物的名词作宾语。 talk with...和talk to...意为“与某人交谈”,不合文意。本题选A。
4.形容词前用定冠词the,指的是一类人或事物, the young泛指“年轻人”,故选D。
8.in my young days指的是过去“年轻的时候”,应用过去时。前面是连系动词,故选A而不选C。
11.句子结构是There is...,表示某地有某物,故选C。
It was Sunday.I never get up early 1 Sundays.I sometimes stay 2 until lunch
time.Last Sunday I 3 very late.I looked 4 the window.It was dark outside.“What a day!”I thought.“It 5 again.” Just then the telephone 6 .It was my aunt Lucy.“I've just arrived 7 train,”she said,“I am coming to 8 you.”
“But I'm still having breakfast,”I said.
“What are you doing?”she said.
“I'm having 9 ,”I repeated(重复).
“Dear me,”she said,“Do you always get up so 10 ?It is one o'clcok.”
1.A.for B.on C.at D.in
2.A.at bed B.in a bed C.on a bed D.in bed
3.A.went to work B.stood up C.got up D.was
4.A.out of B.at C.from D.up
5.A.was fine B.is rained C.was dark D.is raining
6.A.called B.came C.rang D.stopped
7.A.by B.on C.with D.in
8.A.ask B.help C.see D.look for
9.A.tea B.breakfast C.supper D.lunch
10.A.soon B.slowly C.early D.late
1.选B。on Sundays意思是“每逢星期天”。
2.与上文never get up early一致的就是stay in bed。当不强调bed这一物体,而强调bed的作用是休息和睡觉时,bed前不带冠词,故本题选D。注意stay at bed这种说法是错误的,如要说stay at the bed则意为“呆在床边”。
4.根据下文It was dark outside,可知他是朝窗外看。“朝窗外看”英语应说look out of the window,look at the window和look from the window都表示在窗口看,至于朝什么方向看就不知道了,这与下文很难连贯,故应排除。look up the window意思是“朝窗子上面看”,不合文意。故应选A。
6.选C。指电话铃声响了。另三项动词均不能作 telephone的谓语。
7.选A。by train作“乘火车”解,也可以说on the train。
10.与上文一致应选D。get up slowly是指get up这一动作进行得太慢,get up late是指get up这一动作发生得太迟。故slowly不合文意。

The sun,the moon and the stars are 1 in the sky.We see the sun in the day.We 2 the moon and the stars 3 night.
The sun is 4 bigger than the moon. It 5 us light and heat.
The moon is much smaller than the stars. It 6 bigger because it is much nearer to the earth.The light on the moon comes 7 the sun.
The stars look smaller 8 the sun and the moon.But most of the stars are 9 than the sun.They look small because they are very 10 away from us.
1.A.all B.ever C.each D.both
2.A.look for B.watch C.look D.see
3.A.before B.on C.at D.in
4.A.very B.much C.so D.more
5.A.gives B.takes C.gets D.sends
6.A.becomes B.sees C.looks D.is
7.A.to B.out C.in D.from
8.A.so B.both C.than D.as
9.A.smaller B.bigger C.younger D.older
10.A.far B.near C.farther D.new
1.选A。主语是三个并列名词,故用all,而不用 both。
3.“在夜里”用at night。
5.选A。光和热是太阳给予人类的,而不是派人送来的,故不能说sends us light and heat。
7.选D。come from...表示“来自于……”。
9.选B。指事实,与下文连贯起来。选项A不是事实,与下文look small也相矛盾。

Once upon a time,a great boxer(拳击手), Tick Black,went to a restaurant(饭店) 1 dinner.He took off his coat and 2 it at the door,but he was 3 that someone would take it away.So he took a piece of paper and wrote on it,“The great boxer,Tick Black, leaves his 4 here,he will be back 5 a few minutes.”Then he put the paper 6 his coat and went to have his dinner. 7 he came back after dinner,he 8 that his coat was not there.But another 9 was left there.It said,“A great runner 10 your coat,and he will never come back.”
1.A.with B.for C.by D.at
2.A.gave B.threw C.forgot D.left
3.A.surprised B.excited C.afraid D.glad
4.A.bag B.coat C.cap D.shirt
5.A.on B.in C.for D.after
6.A.under B.away C.in D.on
7.A.If B.Before C.When D.Until
8.A.heard B.found C.learned D.knew
9.A.note B.coat C.bag D.cap
10.A.buys B.looks for C.looks after D.takes away
1.根据句意,dinner显然是went to a restaurant的目的。在四个选项中,介词for在许多时候可表示目的,for dinner实际上相当于to have dinner,故本题选B。
3.宾语从句that someone would take it away是他所担心的事,而不是惊奇,更不是令他感到愉快的事。根据这一理解,应选C。
4.根据第2题以及上文took off his coat的提示,只能选B。文中没有提及另三件东西。
5.选B。in a few minutes表示“过几分钟”。in+时间段词语所构成的介词短语通常和将来时连用,表示过多久做某事或出现某种状况。
8.宾语从句that his coat was not there是他回来所发现的情况,故选B符合情景。heard和learned均表示“听说”,所谓“听说”,也就是别人告诉他有关情况,而他本人不在现场,这两词均不符合文中情景。 knew具有早就知道之意,不合文意。
9.根据下文It said,“A great...”的内容,显然这里another后面的词跟文字有关,而只有note表示“便条”,与文意一致,故选A。
10.选D。take away作“拿走”解,符合句子整体意思。look for作“寻找”解,look after作“照顾”解,不合句意。

Tom didn't pass the test.His father 1 him a good beating(打)and didn't give him anything 2 .Tom was so angry 3 he decided to die.He gota long rope,and 4 into the garden.
Jack,Tom 's good friend,came to 5 him and found him hanging 6 a tree with a rope around his waist(腰部).
“Hey,Tom . 7 are you doing there? Are you playing?”Jack asked 8 surprise.
“No,”He answered,“I'm going to die.”
“To die?”said Jack,“But, 9 have you tied the rope around your waist?”
“Well,”said Tom ,“If I tied it around my neck,I would be really 10 .”
1.A.brought B.gave C.got D.made
2.A.eaten B.to eat C.ate D.eat
3.A.as B.because C.that D.when
4.A.slept B.went C.lived D.stayed
5.A.look B.help C.kill D.see
6.A.in B.from C.at D.under
7.A.What B.Why C.Which D.How
8.A.by B.on C.at D.in
9.A.why B.when C.how D.what
10.A.lost B.saved C.dead D.died
1.选B。give sb.a good beating意为“揍某人一顿”,其它动词均属搭配不当。
2.选B。不定式to eat作定语,修饰不定代词 anything。anything to eat作“要吃的东西”解。C、D两种形式属谓语形式,不能作定语。A项eaten为过去分词,anything eaten作“吃掉了的东西”解,不合句意。
6.选B。hang from a tree表示“从树上吊下来”,另三个词与hang均不能搭配。
8.选D。in surprise为固定短语,作状语修饰谓语动词。

Mr Reece worked on a farm .He and his wife grew a lot of things and they had some cows.Every day they worked hard 1 morning till night.One day,Mr Reece 2 his wife,“Let's go to Portsm outh next Sunday.We can 3 a good lunch there and then we can go to the cinema.”
His wife was very happy when she 4 this,because they always ate a lot,and she didn't 5 cooking three times a day.
They went to Portsmouth by plane and walked about 6 an hour.Then,when it was twelve o'clock,they wanted to 7 . They looked at four restaurants(饭店).In front of one restaurant,they 8 a notice(公告).It read,“Lunch:12:30to 2:30,1.5 pounds.”
“Well,that's 9 ,”Mrs Reece said,“We can eat for two hours for 1.5pounds here!This is 10 for us.”
1.A.at B.from C.in D.on
2.A.told to B.asked C.spoke D.said to
3.A.cook B.smell C.have D.buy
4.A.heard from B.herd of C.heard D.listened
5.A.think B.wish C.want D.like
6.A.for B.by C.at D.in
7.A.have a rest B.have lunch C.take a bus D.go home
8.A.saw B.heard C.watched D.looked for
9.A.terrible B.well C.bad D.great
10.A.the news B.the thing C.the place D.the shop
1.选B。from morning tillnight意为“从早到晚”,from...till...为固定搭配,不能随便换用介词。另请注意:在这个短语中,morning和night前均不带冠词。
2.选项A、C为搭配不当,选项B与后面所说的话不一致,因为没有问什么问题,就不能用asked,故也应排除。said to his wife搭配正确,并能引起下文,故选D。
3.根据下文,不是自己做的,故A项与文章事实不符。B项明显不合文意。D项动宾搭配不当。have a good lunch作“好好吃上顿饭”解,符合下文,故选C。
4.选项D明显错误,应先排除。from后应接sb,不能接表示事物的词,故排除A。hear of表示“听说过……”,表示直接的“听见”“听到”应用hear,故选C。
6.选A。文中walked about意为“四处走走”, about为副词,后面an hour是walked about的状语,表示这一动作进行了多久,可用介词for引起这个状语。in an hour表示“过一小时”,不合题意。介词by和 at不能接一个表示时间段的状语,故应排除。
7.根据下文“looked at four restaurants”,显然想要吃饭,故本题选B。
9.选D。That's great表示“棒极了”,指由于高兴而发出的感叹。另三项均与Mrs Reece's情况不符。
10.选C。“This is the place for us.”的意思是“这就是我们所需要的地方。”

A factory began to make a new kind of dog food.A big party was held to 1 the new dog food to everyone.People 2 the newspapers and TV stations were there.
There was a dog 3 the party.He would eat the dog food and have his pictures 4 .The plan was to show everybody 5 the dog would like the new dog food.
When the time 6 ,a plate of the dog food was given in front of 7 .Everyone looked at the dog.But there was one 8 . He didn't eat any of it.The dog didn't like the dog food!
The boss(老板)of the factory had to do 9 quickly.All of the people were watching.All of the people were 10 .So he ate the dog food himself.
1.A.send B.take C.put D.show
2.A.of B.from C.on D.in
3.A.by B.of C.at D.in
4.A.taken B.to take C.taking D.take
5.A.how long B.how soon C.how much D.how many
6.A.left B.passed C.went D.came
7.A.everyone B.people C.the dog D.the boss
8.A.change B.problem C.answer D.word
9.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything
10.A.smiling B.dancing C.jumping D.laughing
1.举行盛大聚会的目的是为了展示这种狗食。本题选D,show sth.to sb.表示“把某物拿给某人看”。另三项均不合句意。
2.在选项A、B中B为最佳选择,因为from表示“来自……”,现在的场面是在聚会上,他们作为报社记者和电视台记者被派来采访,说People from...最符合文意及情景。如这里用了of,则意思大有损失,of只强调这些人所属什么单位,不强调这些人本身的作用或在场的目的。
3.party前用介词at为宜,at the party表示“在聚会上”,故选C。
4.选A。have sth.done是一种常用的结构,表示“请人(或让人)做某事”。这里have his pictures taken表示“拍许多狗(吃食)的照片”。
5.句中like表示“喜欢”,这里需要一个强调“喜欢”程度的状语。在四个选项中,how long表示某动作或情况持续“多久”;how soon表示某动作或情况“还过多久”才会发生或到来;how much指“多少钱(价格)”或指不可数数量的“多少”;how many指数量的“多少”。但是how much除了上述两个用法以外,还可以用来修饰表示情感的动词,指这种情感程度的多少,故本题选C,意思是“按计划是要让大家看到那只狗是多么喜欢吃这种新配制的狗食。”
6.只有passed和came可与主语the time搭配。 When the time passed表示“当时间已过”,不合情节。 When the time came表示“当时间到时”,符合情节的需要,故选D。
第1个回答  2006-10-28