
All the women dutifully did this, even though it was obvious to any rational observer that, no matter how carefully they applied these products, they would never have Cindy Crawford's face or complexion.

All the women dutifully did this,even though引导让步状语从句 it was强调句 obvious to any rational observer that,no matter how 引导让步状语从句carefully they applied these products,they would never have Cindy Crawford's face or complexion.
所有的女性都尽职尽责地这样做,即使在任何理性的观察者看来,很明显,无论她们多么小心地使用这些产品,她们都永远不会拥有辛迪·克劳馥(Cindy Crawford)的脸或肤色。
第1个回答  2020-03-18
第2个回答  2022-05-23
it is obverious that 形式主语从句