
今天天气晴朗、很热,你和朋友们在海滩玩,看见很多人,有的人在游泳,有的人在打沙滩排球,有几个男孩子踢足球,有些女孩子在唱歌跳舞,还有人躺在沙滩上,沙是热的,但海水很凉爽。请你把看到的景象描写出来。(50—60词左右) 谢谢!!

It is fine and very hot today. My friends and I are playing on the beach. I can see many people.Some people are swimming,some are playing volleyball,a few boys are playing soccer,some girls are singing and dancing,some are lying on the beach.The sand is hot but the water of the sea is very cool.
第1个回答  2010-04-16
我也是七年级 英语没学好, 希望不要介意

Today is a sunny day . It's hot today . The weather is fine . I'm playing on the beach with my friends . We can see many people in here . Some are swimming . Others are playing beach volleyball . We are surprised they can play in this heat . Some boys are playing soccer . Look at that group of girls . They are singing and dancing . And some people are lying on the beach . They look very relaxed . The sand is hot but the brine is cool !
第2个回答  2010-04-16
It's sunny and very hot today.My friends and I are playing on the beach.There are many people on the beach. Some are swimming. Some are playing beach volleyball.Some boys are playing soccer and some girls are singing and dancing. Others are lying on the beach.The beach is very hot,but the sea is quite cool.This is a very ineresting place.The people are really relaxed.