
Americans are restless. Most travel whenever they get the chance. They crowd onto trains, buses, and planes. In increasing numbers, they hike whit packs on their backs or ride bicycles, heading for the mountains, seashore, or national parks.
Don't think that Americcans are being rude if we tend to speak in monosyllables or answer whit a mere "O.K," "Sure,"or"Nope" or greet you whit "Hi."Our brevity is not a personal insult, though to those accustomed to formal phrases, we seem blunt. American informality has become more desirable than formal expressions of greeting or farewell.
The United States is a do-it-yourself country. We generally carry our own bags, take our laundry to the laundromat, stand in line at the grocery store, or shine our own shoes, whoever we may be-lawyer, professor, bank president, or corporate executive. Anyone who can afford the high cost of service in this country and wants to pay for it, may. But there is absolutely no social stigma in doing one's own daily chores, no matter how menial. In fact, Americans take pride in do-it-yourself accomplishments and may devote a great deal of their leisure time to projects around the home Huge warehouse stores that cater to do-it-yourself tasks have been built throughout the country.
Many Americans who could afford household help or a driver or a gardener do not employ them. They prefer family privacy, independence, and freedom from responsibility, all of which are at least partially lost when one has help in one's home.
Houses interest Americans greatly. They spend much of their time thinking and reading and talking about the design of houses, their decorations, how to improve them. Many weekend hours are passed in do-it-yourself projects around the house. People also love to look at each other's houses. Since they would thoroughly enjoy visiting and examining a house in another country, they assume that you will probably have the same desire. Don't be surprised, therefore, if you are shown the entire house from top to bottom, including bathrooms and closets! Don't make the mistake of refuding: the whole house may have been cleaned especially for you!
Because people in the United States have come from so many nationalities, there is a far wider range of what is acceptable than in some countries where the inhabitants have grown up whit a common heritage. As s result, no one needs to feel awkward or uncomfortable in dollowing his or her own customs. Although Americans are noticeably informal, if you prefer somewhat greater formality, feel free to act in your own way. Thid will be acceptable.


Americans are restless. Most travel whenever they get the chance. They crowd onto trains, buses, and planes. In increasing numbers, they hike whit packs on their backs or ride bicycles, heading for the mountains, seashore, or national parks.
Don't think that Americcans are being rude if we tend to speak in monosyllables or answer whit a mere "O.K," "Sure,"or"Nope" or greet you whit "Hi."Our brevity is not a personal insult, though to those accustomed to formal phrases, we seem blunt. American informality has become more desirable than formal expressions of greeting or farewell.
The United States is a do-it-yourself country. We generally carry our own bags, take our laundry to the laundromat, stand in line at the grocery store, or shine our own shoes, whoever we may be-lawyer, professor, bank president, or corporate executive. Anyone who can afford the high cost of service in this country and wants to pay for it, may. But there is absolutely no social stigma in doing one's own daily chores, no matter how menial. In fact, Americans take pride in do-it-yourself accomplishments and may devote a great deal of their leisure time to projects around the home Huge warehouse stores that cater to do-it-yourself tasks have been built throughout the country.

Many Americans who could afford household help or a driver or a gardener do not employ them. They prefer family privacy, independence, and freedom from responsibility, all of which are at least partially lost when one has help in one's home.
Houses interest Americans greatly. They spend much of their time thinking and reading and talking about the design of houses, their decorations, how to improve them. Many weekend hours are passed in do-it-yourself projects around the house. People also love to look at each other's houses. Since they would thoroughly enjoy visiting and examining a house in another country, they assume that you will probably have the same desire. Don't be surprised, therefore, if you are shown the entire house from top to bottom, including bathrooms and closets! Don't make the mistake of refuding: the whole house may have been cleaned especially for you!
Because people in the United States have come from so many nationalities, there is a far wider range of what is acceptable than in some countries where the inhabitants have grown up whit a common heritage. As s result, no one needs to feel awkward or uncomfortable in dollowing his or her own customs. Although Americans are noticeably informal, if you prefer somewhat greater formality, feel free to act in your own way. Thid will be acceptable.
