
组合名“SHINee” 是将“Shine”一词与名词性词尾“ee”结合而成的新名词, 其意为“受到光芒照耀的人”,意味着经常接受聚光及镁光灯的人,还蕴涵着通过追求多样的音乐,不受到年龄和地区(国家)的限制,吸引更多音乐粉丝的“SHINee”人小鬼大的抱负。
这段话谁可以帮我用英语翻译 非常感谢啊啊啊 啊 会加分的!

Combination of the name "SHINee" is to "Shine" and the noun phrase suffix "ee" combination of the new term, which means "light illuminated by the people" means always accept condenser and the spotlight of people, but also implies that through the pursuit of a variety of music, are not subject to age and region (country) restrictions to attract more music fans "SHINee" Renxiaoguida ambitions.

第1个回答  2010-03-08
Combination of the name "SHINee" is to "Shine" and the noun phrase suffix "ee" combination of the new term, which means "light illuminated by the people" means always accept condenser and the spotlight of people, but also implies that through the pursuit of a variety of music, are not subject to age and region (country) restrictions to attract more music fans "SHINee" Renxiaoguida ambitions