

    否定疑问句有否定的一般疑问句和带助动词have, did, would等的特殊疑问句两种形式,用来表达建议、劝说、质问等

    例:Wouldn't it be better to go tomorrow?

           Why don't we go out for a meal?


    例:Did she not realise that she'd broken it? (比Didn't she realise that...?语气弱)

    Can you not get there a bit earlier? (比Can't you ...?语气弱)

    除了n't表达否定,还可以用never, no, nobody, nothing, nowhere等否定词

    例:语气强:Why do you never help? 

    语气弱:Why don't you ever help?

    语气强:Have you nowhere to go? (或者Do you have nowhere to go?)

    语气弱:Haven't you got anywhere to go? (或Don't you have anywhere...?)

    提供建议的时候,可以用Why not + 动原或者Why don't/doesn't...(但是不可以用Why do not/does not...):

    例:Why not decorate the house yourself? (或者Why don't you decorate...?)

    Why didn't....不是用来表示建议的,而是质问对方。

    例:Why didn't you tell me that in the first place? (说话人很生气)


    例:Haven't you grown!

    Doesn't she look lovely!

    Didn't it snow a lot!
