


1)非限制性定语从句做主语:As is known commenly, grammer is over valued in education. 【众所周知,在教育中语法的重要性被过分强调了】
2)非限制性定语从句做宾语:As you know, you get only confusion from endless grammer rules. 【 你也知道,你从无尽的语法中只能得到更多的困惑】
3)非限制性定语从句做表语:As it actually is, grammer makes no sence to natives. 【实际上,对于英语是母语的人来讲,语法就是无稽之谈】
4)限制性定语从句做主语:You learn it as is required in the exam syllabus. 【因为考试大纲的原因,必须得学习语法】
5) 限制性定语从句做宾语:You never understand the diferences as they tell. 【但难以理解他们所讲的这些语法差异在哪儿里】
6)限制性定语从句做表语:You even feel like the same as never learnt these grammers.【甚至觉得语法完全往无头绪】

so, trust me, read as much as you can, remember as much as you read, forget these bullshits i wrote above, and you will improve all the way as you wished.