


    I spend a lot of time studying.


    She is spending the weekend with her family.


    He spent all his money on a new car.


    They have spent years traveling around the world.



1. Base form(基本形式): spend


    例句:I spend a lot of time reading.(我花费了很多时间阅读。)

2. Present participle(现在分词): spending


    例句:She is spending her vacation in Europe.(她正在欧洲度假。)

3. Past tense(过去式): spent


    例句:They spent all their savings on a new house.(他们把所有的积蓄都花在了一座新房子上。)

4. Past participle(过去分词): spent


    例句:They have spent a lot of time preparing for the exam.(他们已经花费了很多时间准备考试。)

    例句:She felt emotionally spent after a long day at work.(在工作了一整天后,她感到精疲力竭。)


    基本形式(Base Form):也称为原形,是动词的最基本形式,通常是指动词的原始状态。例如,"eat"、"run"、"sleep"等。

    第三人称单数形式(Third Person Singular):用于表示第三人称单数主语的动作或状态。在一般现在时态中,动词的第三人称单数形式通常在词尾加上"-s"或"-es"。例如,"he eats"、"she runs"、"it sleeps"。

    现在分词形式(Present Participle):表示正在进行或同时发生的动作。通常以"-ing"结尾。例如,"eating"、"running"、"sleeping"。

    过去式(Past Tense):表示过去发生的动作或状态。不规则动词的过去式形式可能会有所不同,而规则动词通常在词尾加上"-ed"。例如,"ate"、"ran"、"slept"。

    过去分词形式(Past Participle):用于完成时态和被动语态。不规则动词的过去分词形式可能会有所不同,而规则动词通常在词尾加上"-ed"。例如,"eaten"、"run"、"slept"。

第1个回答  2023-10-24

简单的记住两个句型就行: It take sb. sometime to do sth. spend on /spend doing 详细解释:
Spend: spend作动词用,意思是“花费(钱、时间);度过”。常与介词on连用,短语spend…on…表示“在某事/物上花费钱或时间”。如: He spent a lot of money on books. spend…on后面通常跟名词,若为动词,要用spend, in doing sth花费财力或时间做某事。 如:I spent half an hour in copying the text. My mother spends an hour on the housework every clay.
take当“花费”讲时,常用在句型It takes sb. some time to do sth中,它表示“花费某人一段时间做某事”。句型中的it是形式主语,不定式知语to do sth是真正的主语,take的形式随时间状语而变。如: It takes me two hours to do my homework every day. It took them ten years to finish the invention.It will take her three hours to get there by bike next time. 要表达“花钱买东西”可以用lost, pay和spend;要表达“花时间做某”可以用spend和take。 如:The jacket cost him 98 yuan. He paid 98 yuan for the jacket. He spent 98 yuan on the jacket. She spends half an hour on English in the morning. It takes her half an hour to learn English in the morning.

I had to spend some time doing last-minute rewrites.我不得不花一些时间作最後的改写。