

Dear annie:
Thank you for the cultivation of Alan.The pot is the characteristic of our hometown,Yixing,and it is the manmade craft.
Wish the small thing can bring you more happiness!
Enjoy your journey then,we will miss you very much!
Your sincerely
既然是英文信件就应该按照英文的文化语言习惯来,不要带有中国色彩。简单说,在商务信件中,碰到你好之类的表达,一般可不用译,直接写Dear Sir/Madam/...,进入正题就行了。(我是英文教师)
第1个回答  2010-04-11
Dear annie:
Thank you for the cultivation of Alan.The pot is the characteristic of our hometown,Yixing,and it is the manmade craft.
Wish the small thing can bring you more happiness!
Enjoy your journey then,we will miss you very much!
Your sincerely
还有,谢谢楼上的那个英语老师!!Thank you very much!!
第2个回答  2010-04-13
Dear Miss Anne:
Hello!Thank you for the cultivation of the Alan.teapot is my hometown's specialty and hand-made crafts, I hope it will bring you a joy! I wish you a happy journey,I will miss you!
第3个回答  2010-04-08
Annie teacher:
Hello, thank you Alan cultivation, Yixing ware is the feature of my home, is hand-made crafts, like it can bring you a joy! I wish you a happy journey, I will miss you!
第4个回答  2010-04-13