
根据所给首字母,写出短文中所缺的单词! Today is Betty's birthday . Her mother g_ her a present . "W_ is my present?" Betty asks . Her mother s_ , Go to y_ room and you can see w_ on your bed . Betty comes t_ her room. She finds a r_ box on her bed. She opens the box ."Oh.what a n_ skirt !" She puts it o_ . "Do you like it , d_ ?" Her mother asks, "Yes , I like it very much. Thank you . Mum."

1gives 第三人称单数,不能用gave,gave是过去时,根据本文后面的Betty asks,,,She finds..等可以知道是用一般现在时。如果这篇文章的动词用比如:Betty asked..She found...那么就要用gave2what3says 第三人称单数加S4 your5 what's (what is 的缩写)6 to 7 red8 nice9 on (put sth.on 穿上 put sth.off脱下)10 dear 还有什么问题的话可以问哦
第1个回答  2014-02-23
第2个回答  2014-02-23
gave, Where, said, your, what, to, red, nice, on, dear/daughter,
第3个回答  2014-06-01
1. gives 2. What 3. says 4. your 5. what 6. to 7. red 8. nice 9. on 10. dear
第4个回答  2014-02-23