

My favourite place is splendid China

My favourite is splendid China.我最爱的地方是锦绣中华。
What's your favourite place?什么地方是我最爱的地方?
I think about that when I was the enough money,I really want to go abroad.Two reasons gave me change my idea.我想当我有了足够的钱以后,我真的想要出国。(这是我曾经的想法)。两个原因让我改变了我的想法。
The first reason:I am a small potato.I haven't enough money right now.第一个原因:我是一个小人物。我现在没有足够的钱。
The second reason:Our country need us.第二个原因:我们的国家需要我们。Our country have the more problem.我们的国家有着更多的问题。If we went out to instruction another country,immagration to another country.如果我们去建设别的国家,移民到别的国家去。How do you can greetful our country?我们如何来感激我们国家带给我们的养育之恩?And many person told me:When we went abroad,we can't love that country.并且许多人告诉我:当你出国以后,我们不能够爱上那个国家。Because America and Europe person was exclusive.因为,美国和欧洲人是很排外的。They don't like Chinese person.他们不喜欢中国人。Looks like Hilarie,they don't like Chinese person.像是希拉里,他们不喜欢中国人。(我曾经在一篇文章中看见希拉里写的对中国人的评价:中国在多少多少年以后,将变得非常的差劲,因为有钱的富豪都移民去国外了。自打看了那篇文章以后,我也深深的被这种种族歧视所感到生气。作为国家领导人,种族歧视我不认为是一个领导人应该有的品格!)If I went out abroad,I will stay in America and any kind of Europe countries 4 and 5 years.如果我出国,我将会待在美国并且任何一个欧洲国家4到5年的学习.I will try to study,came back aboard's scientist and history and culture help us country.我将会努力学习,将国外的先进技术和历史,文化带回来,帮助我们的国家。
I will use my whole life to stay in China.I don't want to leave my county.我将会用我的一生待在中国。我不想要离开我的祖国。Altough our country have more worse place,but we are Chinese person.We should be have the love of our country and develop our country's decision.尽管我们的国家有很多地方还是很糟糕的,但是,我们是中国人。我们应该有爱国情怀并且发展我们国家的决心。