

拥有桑拓木命的人, generally have the potential for success and development, but their foundation may not be stable. They may encounter unexpected disasters and have concerns about decline and bad luck. It is advisable for them to focus on defense and stability. During years when the element Earth is dominant, they may experience misfortunes in their youth, but there is a greater chance of success in their middle and later years.
1、总论: For individuals with this birth year, there is a sense of responsibility towards family, but they may work hard without receiving much reward. Their ideals may be high, but they may not receive support from others and could be prone to unexpected disasters. It is better for them to focus on maintaining stability and security. During years when the element Earth is dominant, they may face hardships in their youth, but there is a greater chance of success in their middle and later years.
2、性格: They have a strong sense of self-esteem and are unwilling to compromise with others. They may have high self-expectations and maintain strict principles without being greedy or selfish. They may be impulsive and speak quickly, sometimes unintentionally hurting others and causing resentment.
3、意志: Their willpower is strong, and they have a certain degree of perseverance. However, they may tend to be stubborn and develop a domineering personality. They should strive to improve their self-discipline and cultivate their temperament.
4、事业: Their career may experience instability, with more hard work but less reward. Even if they achieve success temporarily, it is better to maintain a defensive stance rather than attack, to ensure long-term stability.
5、家庭: They may have a weak sense of family ties and need to rely on their own efforts to succeed. They may work hard for their family but feel a lack of warmth in their household.
6、婚姻: Men with this birth year may marry wives who are gentle and peaceful, but may experience arguments after marriage. Women may marry husbands who are modest and capable, but the marriage may lack warmth.
7、子女: Sons may outnumber daughters, and children may have a somewhat solitary personality, fighting for the family's success in their adulthood.
8、社交: They have a competitive nature and are unwilling to be controlled by others. They may prefer to act independently and could easily make enemies. Their social interactions may not be smooth.
9、精神: They may appear calm on the surface, but feel internally restless. They may experience inner frustration and career setbacks, leading to a lack of positive emotions.
10、财运: Their financial prospects may not be promising, with more work and less profit. They should avoid unexpected losses or entanglements and act with caution.
11、健康: They may be prone to rheumatic diseases, joint pain, or external injuries.
12、老运: They may have a hard life and an unstable later life, with more setbacks and a sense of frustration. Their family life may lack warmth.
They may face hardships and have a sudden decline in fortune.
They may achieve their goals smoothly and reach their desired outcomes.
They may be generous and heroic, but easily swayed by others and could suffer financial losses in cooperative ventures. It may not be favorable for partnership businesses, as they may work hard without reaping the benefits and be slandered by others. They may be prone to skin diseases, external injuries, or myopia.
They have a strong willpower and are generally aggressive, decisive, but lack the ability to assimilate. They are hardworking and argumentative, and may not be flexible in handling situations. They often exhibit a strong and aggressive demeanor, pursuing power and status, and have a strong sense of self.