
Wild And Windy Over the years,we've seen musical groups with pretty strange names come and go.Few have stanger names than this band.As the name suggests,the band has lots of energy.And they play the kind of music that I love to hear.Every song is really loud and you often can't understand the words,but this is okey because the lyrics aren't very good.However,these are musicians who make us happy-even on a Monday morning!

纯手工,望采纳。wild 和 windy 狂野和和风(这个是一个乐队的名字)在过去的几年里,我们看到一些非常奇怪的乐队名字出现兴起,但又相继衰落。很少乐队的名字比这个乐队的名字更奇怪的。就像他们乐队的名字一样,这是一支充满活力的乐队。他们演唱的音乐是我爱听的那种。每首歌都非常大声,我经常理解不到他们唱的是什么,但是这都没关系,因为歌词本身并不重要。他们是音乐达人,他们使我们在星期一的早上尤为快乐。
第1个回答  2013-11-21