

去【编号:1313124】安徽省宣城市2010-2011学年度第一学期八年级第一次英语月考试卷资料分类:期中期末 类型:试题试卷 年份:2009 上传:dengmeiru 更新:2010-10-8 11:02:00
1. Hamburger is a kind of j________ food. I hardly ever eat hamburgers.
2. I surf the i_________ every day.
3. My grandparents exercise twice a week to s________ healthy.
4. Some students watch TV three or four t_________ a week.
5. I never go shopping. I can't s__________ shopping.
6. It's very i__________ to have a good eating habit.
7. She often g_________ to the movies on weekends.
8. Traditional Chinese doctors b____________ we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.
9. You s___________study when you are tired.
10. –I have a toothache.
--maybe you should see a d_________.

1. Hamburger is a kind of j________ food. I hardly ever eat hamburgers. 2. I surf the i_________ every day. 3. My grandparents exercise twice a week to s________ healthy. 4. Some students watch (更多…)
第1个回答  2010-10-09
