我想知道一首英文歌的名字,是男的唱的,歌词有I WANT TO KNOW IWANT TO GO

我想知道一首英文歌的名字,是男的唱的,歌词有I WANT TO KNOW IWANT TO GO
不是sound of my dream 也不是be what you wanna be 也不是just want you to know。。。 节奏比较快

my love 西城男孩

An empty street 空寂的街道
An empty house 空寂的房间
A hole inside my heart 空寂的思念深藏在我的心中
I'm all alone 孤孤单单
The rooms are getting smaller 无尽的孤寂压迫着我
I wonder how 我想知道怎样
I wonder why 我想知道是何原因
I wonder where they are 我想知道他们的归属
The days we had 我们在一起的时光
The songs we sang together 我们共同吟唱的歌曲
Oh yeah 哦 耶
And oh my love 还有你 吾爱
I'm holding on forever 我始终坚持着
Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是哪样遥不可及
So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求
And hope my dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿
Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love 那儿有湛蓝的天空还有你美丽的笑容 吾爱
Over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭
To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方
Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love 那儿有翠绿的草原还有你醉人的眼神 吾爱

I try to read 我尝试阅读
I go to work 我尽力工作
I'm laughing with my friends 我和我的朋友逍遥狂欢
But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking Oh no 但这一切都不能阻止我的幻想 哦
I wonder how 我想知道怎样
I wonder why 我想知道是何原因
I wonder where they are 我想知道他们的归属
The days we had 我们在一起的时光
The songs we sang together Oh yeah 我们共同吟唱的歌曲
And oh my love 还有你 吾爱
I'm holding on forever 我始终坚持着
Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是哪样遥不可及
So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求
And hope my dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿
Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love 那儿有湛蓝的天空还有你美丽的笑容 吾爱
Over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭
To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方
Where the fields are green to see you once again 还有翠绿的草原上飘扬的你
To hold you in my arms 我想包紧你
To promise you my love 我向你保证 吾爱
To tell you from the heart 我决不是在撒谎
You're all I'm thinking of 你是我所想的一切

I'm reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是哪样遥不可及
So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求
And hope my dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿
Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love 那儿有湛蓝的天空还有你美丽的笑容 吾爱
Over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭
To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方
Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love 那儿有翠绿的草原还有你醉人的眼神 吾爱
Say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求
I dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿
Where the skies are blue to see you once again 那儿有湛蓝的天空还有你美丽的笑容
Over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭
To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方
Where the fields are green to see you once again 那儿有翠绿的草原还有你醉人的眼神
My love 吾爱
第1个回答  2010-10-09
Trouble is a friend

Trouble will find you no mater where you go, oh oh. 无论你躲到哪,麻烦都会找上你,哦哦
No Matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow, oh oh.无论你是快还是慢,哦哦
The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh.在拂晓痛哭,就像暴雨来袭,哦哦
Your fine for a while but then start to lose control.你暂时安好,但也即将失控
He's there in the dark,他就在黑暗中
He's there in my heart,他就在我心里
He waits in the winds 他在幕后等待
He's gotta play a part.他准备发威
Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友.
Trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦

Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh.麻烦是朋友,可也是魔鬼,哦哦
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh.不管我怎么对待他,他似乎都在成长,哦哦
He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh.他看我所看,知我所知.哦哦
So don't forget as you ease on down the road.因此即便将来安宁也别忘了他
He's there in the dark,他就在黑暗中
he's there in my heart,他就在我心里
He waits in the winds 他在幕后等待
He's gotta play a part.他准备发威
Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶
Trouble is a friend of mine.oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.所以即便他拽住你的手臂了也别惊慌
I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm .我摇下车窗,我臣服于他
Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶
Trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦
Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel. 哦,我痛恨他给我的感受
And how I try to make him leave; I try. 我该如何赶他离开,我尽力
Oh Oh I try! 哦哦,我尽力

But he's there in the dark, 他就在黑暗中
He's there in my heart, 他就在我心里
He waits in the winds 他在幕后等待
He's gotta play a part.他准备发威
Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶
Trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.所以即便他拽住你的手臂了也别惊慌
I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm .我摇下车窗,我臣服于他
Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶
Trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh! 麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦
Oh 哦
第2个回答  2010-10-07
应该是be what you wanna be,一首很不错的励志歌曲
第3个回答  2010-10-07
歌名是Sound Of My Dream

I, I want to go
I want to run
Run to the places where I can be
I want to know
What is the sound
Sound that is something remind of me
I want to go
I got to run
Run to the moment that sets me free
You tell me why
I hear the sound
Sound of my Dreams

[Techno break]

So Now
Now is the time to make it right
Now is the time to feel the heat
This is my place im staying tonight
Just move your body to the beat

[Chorus] x2

希望楼主采纳 o(∩_∩)o
第4个回答  2010-10-08
Sound Of My Dream