

1. 英文:January is my favourite month ina year. The weather is still cold, and it snows very often. However, it marksthe beginning of a new year and suggests a flowery spring to all the people.
2. 关于一月的典故:
January(Jan.) 这个词的含义“献给罗马神话中门神亚努斯 (Janus) 的月份”。亚努斯是天国之门的守护神,他有两副面孔,一副面孔看前方,另一副面孔看后方,所以被认为最适合于送旧年、迎新年的第一个月之名。因此,亚努斯也是肇始之神。
第1个回答  2015-05-16
I like autumn the most, because it's not too hot or too cold. No much rain in this season, and the soft breeze stirs the leaves. It really makes me want to walk outside and enjoy the nature.本回答被网友采纳