PMP,Tell me the answer and why

You are managing an international advisory team that is preparing a comprehensive set of regulations governing the processing of swordfish into freeze-dried snack food. You often attend professional and scientific meetings with commercial fishing industry representatives to stay abreast of fish processing practices and methods to protect the consumer. At a recent meeting, one of the manufactures presented you with some marketing literature, which included a certificate for smoked Wahoo that you can use throughout the year at any of its fish markets. Although smoked Wahoo is one of your favorites, you are now struggling with whether you should return the certificate. In this situation, you should probably
A. Not accept this gift because it could be interpreted as being for personal gain
B. Determine whether the manufacturer gave the certificate to everyone else attending the meeting and, if so, accept it
C. Accept the gift, and then inform your project sponsor when you return to your job
D. Accept the gift even though it does not conform with the customs of the country in which the international meeting was held

A. Not accept this gift because it could be interpreted as being for personal gain
