

My favorite small animal is the puppy,

because it is very obedient, but also very cute. Our little dog,

with a coat of yellow and white hair and eyes as clear as a pair of black pearls,

was named "Tsutsu" . A puppy's tail is interesting. When the puppy is happy, his tail will wag.

When the puppy is angry, his tail will straighten up. Tsutsu was greedy.

He ate only meat and bones, not vegetables and rice. He loved to play hide and seek with me.

Whenever I hid, he would find me at once and make me laugh. Tsutsu was so good that whenever we went out,

 I'd say, "Tsutsu, let's go out, " and he'd run out of the house faster than I could, and he'd cross the street!

 Look, how brave he is! Even the people in the street gave him a look of praise.

Tsutsu is so cute. He brings me so much joy every day.

 I wanted Tsutsu to have a happy childhood with me, and my favorite animal was a puppy, because he was so obedient and cute.
