

和我们一起做游戏的英语:Play games with us

1、We'll need a flat surface to play the game on. 我们得有个平面才能玩这个游戏。

2、I used to play here as a boy. 我小时候常在这里玩。

3、There's a time to work and a time to play. 工作、玩耍皆有时。

4、He played a major role in setting up the system. 他在建立这个系统的过程中扮演了主要的角色。

5、The financial crisis has brought new factors into play. 财政危机已引发了新的变数。

6、Diet plays an important role in the management of heart disease. 饮食对于心脏病的治疗有重要作用。

7、Prevention also plays a central role in traditional medicine. 预防在传统医学中也起着主导作用。

8、The media played an important part in the last election. 大众传媒在上一次选举中发挥了重要作用。
