


1、What is Earth Day? 地球日是什么? Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 every year.每年的4月22日是庆祝地球日。 

It is a day to raise awareness and inspire action to protect and conserve our planet's natural resources. 这是一个为了提高人们对保护和保存地球自然资源的意识和鼓励行动的日子。

2、History of Earth Day .地球日的历史 。Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 in the United States.第一个地球日是在1970年在美国举行的。

after environmental activists and concerned citizens recognized the need to bring attention to environmental issues. 当时环保人士和关心环保的公民认识到了需要引起人们对环境问题的关注。Today, it is celebrated in over 190 countries around the world. 如今,地球日在全球190多个国家和地区都得到了庆祝。

3、Why is Earth Day important? 地球日的重要性。 Earth Day is important because it brings people together to recognize the impact humans have on the planet and to take action to protect it. 地球日重要的原因是它让人们团结起来认识到人类对地球所产生的影响,并采取行动来保护它。

We rely on our planet for our survival, and it is important that we take care of it for future generations. 我们依赖地球生存,而为后代保护地球显得尤为重要。


We can protect our planet by reducing waste, conserving energy, and saving water. These small actions can make a huge contribution to preserving our planet for a longer existence.

