

你可以这么理解,定语就是修饰限定名词或代词的成分,如果这个定语是句子,就是所谓的定语从句, 例如:This is the bookstore in which I read books yesterday.定语从句
She is the girl who helped me yesterday. 定语从句
The soup will be much more delicious adding some pepper! adding some pepper 补语
He found his new job rather boring. rather boring 补语
这里 adding some pepper 加入一些胡椒粉 就是补语,补充说明句子的成分,这个汤会更美味 怎么美味那? 加入一些胡椒粉的话 就会更美味了 句意理解就会明显感觉出来是补充说明,是补语,另外 补语一般都是词组或单词 没有 句子一说,补语去掉了 句子意思会不完整,但定语从句去掉了,前边扔是一个完整的句子,不影响句子意思。
she is confident that she will pass the exam.她有信心能通过考试
I'm afraid there is some sort of misunderstanding.恐怕有误会的地方。
I'm glad you have come.我很高兴你来了
I'm sure he meant well. 我肯定他是好意
状语从句 就好比是 一场戏里边的一个场景,构造修饰的,一般就是 时间 程度 原因 条件 地点 方式 之类的
I will return th book as soon as I have read it.书一看完我就还回来
Once you 've finished ,go to bed.你一干完就去睡觉
Now(that) you mention it,I do remember the incident 有你这么一提,我的确想起了这事
Supposing (that) you are wrong,what will you do?假定你是错的,你怎么办?
suppose you had a million pounds,how would ou spend it? 设想你有一百万英镑你会怎么花?