

自爱 to behave like a gentleman;self-respect

疼爱 to be fond of
热爱 ardently love
亲爱 dear;beloved
偏爱 to show favoritism;to favor something
溺爱 to pamper;to spoil
母爱 mother's love
怜爱 to have tender affection for
厚爱 great kindness
垂爱 to love
爱惜 to treasure;to cherish
爱情 love
爱慕 to adore;to admire
爱美 to love beauty
爱好 interest;to love;hobby
n.爱经 Kamasutra
n.爱琴海 aegean sea
n.爱国心 amor patriae
n.小爱神 amoretto
恋慕;恋爱 be in love with
爱上;倾心 fall for
与..相爱 fall in love with
爱好;参予 go in for
爱好;提出 have a taste for
n.同性爱 homoerotism
n. 爱人 lover
渴望;热爱 yearn for
a. 心爱的 beloved
v.爱谈自己 egotize
n.恋爱场面 love scene
n.可爱的人 mavournin
n. 爱国者 patriot
n.爱国歌曲 patriotic song
n.恋爱;色情 amativeness
v. 珍爱,怀 cherish
热爱..;热心 enthusiasm for
n.爱好工作者 ergophile
n.亲切;宠爱 favour
n.喜爱马的人 hippophile
n. 恋爱诗人 minnesinger
a. 爱打听的 prying
n.爱护动物者 zoophilist
n.爱护动物者 zoophilite
n. 崇拜,爱慕 adoration

adv.爱冒险地 adventurously