

❶ such as
1. for example例如(放于名词、动名词等前面,引出列举的事例)
We dislike people such as him.我们不喜欢像他这号人。
Wild flowers such as primroses are becoming rare.野花,比如说报春花等,越来越罕见。
'There are loads of things to do.' 'Such as?'(= give me an example)“有大量的事情要做。”“比如说?”
2. of a kind that; like像…那种;诸如…之类的(列举某人或事物作为例子)
Opportunities such as this did not come every day.
Heroes such as Mandela will always live in the hearts of the people.像曼德拉这样的英雄人物, 将永远活在人民的心里。

严格来说没有such like这样的短语,只有suchlike这样的单词,其用法如下:
❷ suchlike: always used before a noun, chiefly British: sharing qualities or characteristics: similar(只能用作定语,主要用于英国英语)享有共同的品质或特征,相似,诸如此类(放于列举的名词最后,常用and/or suchlike things结构中,things常省略)
rakes, shovels, and suchlike things耙,铲子,和诸如此类的东西
objets d'art, gold, silver, and ivory assortments, ceramics, and suchlike (things)小艺术品,各式各样的金、银、象牙制品,瓷器一类的东西

I suppose you'd rather be in Chicago, eating waffles and hamburgers, or suchlike (things)?我想你可能更愿意呆在芝加哥,吃着华夫饼干和汉堡包之类的东西,对吗?