国际贸易术语 2010版

求国际贸易术语解释通则 最新的 2010版相关内容 谢谢各位~~~~~~~

  1. 术语分类的调整:由2原来的EFCD 四组分为适用于两类:适用于各种运输方式和水运


  3、删除INCOTERMS2000中四个D组贸易术语,即DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid)、DAF (Delivered At Frontier)、 DES (Delivered Ex Ship)、 DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay),只保留了INCOTERMS2000D组中的DDP( Delivered Duty Paid )。

  4、新增加两种D组贸易术语,即DAT ( Delivered At Terminal )与DAP(Delivered At Place )。


  Incoterms2010 are arranged into the two distinct groupsgroups:

  Any Mode of Transport

  CIP – Carriage and Insurance Paid
  CPT – Carriage Paid To
  DAP – Delivered At Place
  DAT – Delivered At Terminal
  DDP – Delivered Duty Paid
  EXW – Ex Works
  FCA – Free Carrier

  Sea and Inland Waterway Transport Only
  CFR – Cost and Freight
  CIF – Cost, Insurance and Freight
  FAS – Free Alongside Ship
  FOB – Free On Board

  In addition to the 11 rules, Incoterms®2010 will include:

  * Extensive guidance notes and illustrative graphics to help users efficiently choose the right rule for each transaction;
  * New classification to help choosing the most suitable rule in relation to the mode of transport;
  * Advice for the use of electronic procedures;
  * Information on security-related clearances for shipments;
  * Advice for the use of Incoterms® 2010 in domestic trade

  This interpretation is provided as a guide only.

  Incoterms® are published by the International Chamber of Commerce and are available on their website and official publication “Incoterms® 2010〃. For a complete and official overview please refer to the ICC’s publication.
第1个回答  2010-11-05
Implementation date of Incoterms® 2010: 1 January 2011.

Incoterms® rules define the responsibilities of buyers and sellers for the delivery of goods under sales contracts. Incoterms® 2010 takes into account the latest developments in commercial practice, and updates and consolidates some of the former rules. A new classification system divides the 11 Incoterms® rules into two distinct groups: Rules for any mode of transport: EXW FCA CPT CIP DAT DAP DDP Rules for waterway transport: FAS FOB CFR CIF In addition to the 11 rules, Incoterms®2010 includes: Extensive guidance notes and illustrative graphics to help users efficiently choose the right rule for each transaction;

* New classification to help choosing the most suitable rule in relation to the mode of transport;
* Advice for the use of electronic procedures;
* Information on security-related clearances for shipments;
* Advice for the use of Incoterms® 2010 in domestic trade.mplementation date: 1 January 2011.

List of Terms:

EXW: Ex Work, All types of transportation
FCA: Free Carrier, All types of transportation
CPT: Carriage Paid To, All types of transportation
CIP: Carriage and Insurance Paid, All types of transportation
DAT (new delivery term): Delivered At Terminal, All types of ransportation
DAP (new delivery term): Delivered At Place, All types of transportation
DDP: Delivered Duty Paid, All types of transportation
FAS: Free Alongside Ship, Water transport
FOB: Free On Board, Water transport
CFR: Cost and Freight, Water transport
CIF: Cost, Insurance and Freight, Water transport
第2个回答  2010-11-11
我有英文版的, ICC太黑了,花了我55欧,明年1月1日开始执行