


1、Is this your skirt?(这是你的裙子吗?)

Yes, it is.(是的,是的.)

2、Is your throat sore?(你喉咙痛吗?)

Yes, it is.(是的,是的.)

3、Is his birthday in June?(他的生日在六月吗?)

No, it isn't.(不,不是.)

4、Is the cinema next to the library?(电影院在图书馆旁边吗?)

Yes, it is.(就的,是的)

5、Is your father an engineer?(你父亲是工程师吗?)

No, he isn't.(不,他不是.)

6、Is she heavier than you ?(她比你重吗?)

Yes, she is.(是的,她是.)

7、Is Sarah from Canada?(莎拉来自加拿大吗?)

No, she isn't.(不,她不是.)

8、Is she going to Beijing?(她要去北京吗?)

Yes, she is.(是的,她是.)

9、Was it Saturday yesterday?(昨天是星期六吗?)

Yes, it was.(是的,是的.)

10、Was Chen Jie tired last night?(陈杰昨晚累了吗?)

No, she wasn't.(不,她没有.)
