

名词 n.

"What day is today?" "It's Monday."
"今天星期几?" "今天星期一。"
He is seldom at home during the day.
We work an 8-hour day.
I still remember my student days.
She was a beauty in her day.
6.竞赛,战斗,胜利[the S]
The debate was over; our side won the day.
Christmas Day is the 25th of December.
第1个回答  2010-11-06
day [dei]
1. 白天,日间,昼白昼;黎明阳光,日光2. (一)天,(一)日,一昼夜(24小时),民用日,日历日[亦作civil day]【天文学】日;太阳日;平均太阳日;恒星日3. (特定的)日子,特定日[常作D-]节日,纪念日,祝祭日,重大日子4. [亦用复数]时期;时代;年代;纪元[the day]现今,现时5. 鼎盛(或全盛)时期,活动时期,有影响时期,年轻(有为)时期,兴旺发达时期成功(或胜利、得意、走运)时期,幸运时,吉祥时日;机会6. (在某一天发生的)斗争,战斗;竞赛,比赛;胜利,胜负7. 工作日,劳动日;日常活动日8. 过去、将来的某日、某天9. [亦作复数]寿命,生命;一生10. [D-][口语]第一天,最初 —[days]adv.每天;经常在白天地
1. 日间的,白昼的;周日进行的2. 逐日的3. 适合于白天(使用)的
1. a cold day in hell地狱变冷之日,永不到来之时2. a day after(或behind)the fair(到得)太晚[见fair]3. a day off不上班(或不干活、不上学等)的一天4. a day of rest

a. 安息日,主日
b. 星期日5. a day or two一两天;短时期6. a day out

a. 外出的一天
b. (特指)(仆人的)休息日7. a day's grace(票据到期的)宽限日期8. against(或for) the rainy day为着有朝一日困难时,未雨绸缪[见rainy day]9. all day (long)一天到晚,从早到晚,整天,终日[亦作all the day]10. all in a (或the)day's work[口语]习以为常的,不足为奇的[见work]11. all the day=all day (long)12. (an)eight days一星期13. any day (of the week)

a. [口语]
b. 随便哪一天,任何时候
c. 不论怎样,无论如何,不管怎么说,从各方面来说,在任何情况下14. (as)clear as day一清二楚,极明显;光明正大15. (as) happy (或merry) as the day is long一天到晚非常快乐16. (as) open as the day[口语]光明磊落,胸怀坦荡17. (as) plain as day非常明显18. as the day is long

a. 一天到晚,终日
b. 长期,一贯地19. at the end of the day最终,到头来,(工作等)完成之时[见end¹]20. at the present day目前,如今21. be all day with someone[美国英语](某人)完蛋了,没希望了22. before day天亮以前,日出以前23. be someone's day是某人非常得意(或走运)的日子24. better days生活较为富裕的时期,走运的时期;鼎盛时期25. between two days[美国口语]整夜,通宵;在夜间26. by(或during) day在白天,日间,白天里27. by day and by night日日夜夜28. by the day按日(计算),论日(如工作,报酬等)29. call it a day

a. [口语]
b. (认为做完一天的工作而)到此结束,收工,休息,终止;结束当天的活动
c. 到此为止,结束;就这样算了吧;心满意足30. cap and feather days童年时代31. carry the day(在比赛、竞赛、争论等中)得胜、获胜,占优势,占上风;取得成功32. close one's days=end one's days33. curse the day one was born自恨生不逢辰34. dark (或evil) days黑暗的日子;苦难的岁月35. day about间日,每隔一天36. day after day日复一日地,一天又一天,每天,天天(常表示每天重复)37. day and night日日夜夜,昼夜,夜以继日[亦作night and day]38. day by day一天天地,逐日(常表示逐渐转变)39. day in, day out日复一日,一天又一天,天天,每天(不间断地)(常表示连续不息)[亦作day in and day out]40. day off休息日,歇工(或休假)的日子41. day of rest星期日42. day out

a. 在(家)外面度过的日子
b. 仆人的假日43. days are numbered(人)死期不远,行将就木;(物)即将毁坏44. days gone by从前;以往45. days marked with a white stone幸福的日子;吉利的日子46. days of grace(票据到期的)宽限日期47. days on end连续几天48. days to come将来,后世49. days to day

a. 日日,逐日,日复一日不间断地
b. 过一天算一天地50. day to remember值得纪念的日子51. Don't praise the day until evening.[谚语]夜未来临,勿夸天晴;对尚未成功之事,不可誉之过早。52. Drunken days have all their tomorrow.[谚语]今天酒醉,明早受罪。53. early in the day尚早;太早[见early]54. end one's days去世,死去55. Every day is not Sunday.[谚语]好景不常,盛筵难再。56. Every dog has its (或his) day.凡人皆有得意日。(或:风水轮流转。)[见dog]57. every few days每隔几天58. every other (或third) day每隔一天(或两天)59. Fair and softly go far in a day.[谚语]从容稳重,无往不利。60. fall on (或upon) evil days倒霉,遭遇不幸[亦作fall on hard times]61. for days on end一连好几天62. for a rainy day为着有朝一日困难时,未雨绸缪[见rainy day]63. from day to day

a. 天天,一天又一天,从一天到另一天,一天天地,逐日
b. 过一天算一天地,苟且偷安64. from one day to the next从一天到下一天;过一天算一天地65. from this day forth (或onwards)从今天起66. give someone the time of day=pass the time of day (with someone)67. have a day off休假一天,歇工一天68. have a field day

a. 获得空前的机会,获得很大的成就
b. 忙了一整天
c. 痛快玩了一阵子69. have an off day不处于最佳状态(干什么事都不顺手)70. have had one's day已过全盛时期;不再应时71. have seen better days昔盛今衰,曾盛极一时(意指现在不行了)[亦作have seen one's best days]72. have seen the day (或time) when…曾经经历过…的日子(或时代)73. if a day(时期、年龄等)至少74. in all one's born days[常用于否定句或疑问句]一生中,生平75. in broad day (或daylight)在大白天,光天化日之下76. in days gone by在过去,从前77. in days to come将来,此后78. in (或on)one's day(在某人)当年,盛时79. in one's early days在年轻的时候;在初期80. in (the) days gone by从前81. in the old (或olden) days从前,过去82. (in) these days现在,如今,现今,目前83. (in) this day and age当今,在今天这样的时代里,在我们今天生活的时代84. (in) those days在当时 It made my day.开门见喜,喜事临门。这是那天我碰到的最好的事。85. keep one's day遵守约好的日子,守时日86. know the time of day了解情况,熟悉最近时兴的事[见time]87. late in the day

a. [口语]
b. 在事情的最后阶段,最后
c. 为时已晚,已失时机[见late]88. live out of one's days (或life)度过一生,过一辈子89. live to fight another day养精蓄锐伺机再战90. make a day of it(痛快地)玩它一整天;干上整整一天91. make one's day[俚语]使满意…;给…带来幸福92. make someone's day[口语]使某人的日子过得快活(或不单调),使某人非常高兴;使某人的一天生色93. many a day许多天,好多日子94. name the day选定日期(尤指婚期),宣布婚礼(或其他重要活动)的时期,(女子)决定结婚日期95. Never is along day.“决不”两字莫轻言。(用于批评他人过早地把话说绝)[见never]96. not to be named on (或in) the same day with与…不可同日而语,比…差得远97. of a day昙花一现的,短命的98. off day

a. 感到身体不舒服的日子
b. (运动员)竞技状态不佳的时候
c. 休假日99. of the day

a. 当代的
b. 当时的100. one day

a. (过去)某一天
b. (将来)有一天101. one fine day

a. (将来)总有一天
b. (过去)某一天,有一回 [讲故事常用语]102. one of these (fine) days

a. [多用于许诺或预言]
b. 日内不久
c. 总有一天[见one]103. one of those days倒霉的一天[见one]104. one's day在家见客日(一般每星期一天)105. one's day is gone黄金时代已经过去了,已非当年106. one's days(或hours) are numbered活不久了,寿命不长了107. on one's day在鼎盛时期108. pass the time of day (with someone)(与某人)相互问好,互致问候(如说“早安”等);寒暄,聊一会109. Rome was not built in a day.[谚语]罗马非朝夕建成。(或:伟业非一日之功。)[见Rome]110. save the day反败为胜,转危为安,化险为夷,扭转局面,挽救局面111. settle the day确定日期112. some day(日后)某一天,(将来)总有一天,他日113. some fine day(将来)某一天114. some of these days=one of these (fine) days115. strike of day破晓,黎明116. Sufficient for(或unto)the day is the evil thereof.[谚语]肠满今朝愁,莫添他日忧。(或:一天只管一天事,别为将来白操心。)117. That will(或That'll)be the day.

a. 那是值得等待的日子。
b. [口语]那样的事永远等不来。118. the big day[口语]大喜的日子(指孕妇的分娩日)119. the day after第二天120. the day after tomorrow后天121. the day before(某日的)前一天,头一天122. the day before yesterday前天123. the day following第二天124. the day goes against them(战争等)失利125. The day has eyes, the night has ears.[谚语]白天有眼目,夜晚有耳朵;若要人不知,除非己莫为。126. the day is done一天又过去了;得意时代已过去了127. the day is doubtful胜负难料128. the day is gaining on the night天将破晓129. the day is gone=the day is done130. the day(或time)is not(so)far off(或distant)when离…的时间不(那么)远了131. the day is ours我们胜了132. the day of days喜庆的节日;有高兴(或重要)事情的日子133. the day of someone(或something)is over(或finished)某人(或某事)的日子(或时代)已经过去(或结束)134. the good old days过去的好时光,美好的往日135. the other day几天以前[见other]136. the time of day

a. (钟、表指示的)时刻;时候
b. 当前形势;时尚[见time]137. this day fortnight两星期后(或前)的今天138. this day month一个月前(或后)的今天139. this day week下(或上)星期的今天140. this many a day这许多天来,这段日子里141. those days那些日子,那个时代142. Those were the days!(从前)那真是好年头啊![亦用作反语]143. through the day一整天144. till(或to)one's dying day到死,直到生命的最后一天145. to a(或the)day一天也不差,恰好,刚好146. to this day至今,迄今,直到现在147. turn the day against someone使某人转入不利局势148. wear through the day好歹挨过了一天149. win the day=carry the day150. with each passing day一天天,日益151. without day无限期地
第2个回答  2010-11-06
day [dei]
n. 一天;时期;白昼
adv. 每天;经常在白天地
adj. 日间的;逐日的本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2010-11-06