澳大利亚伴侣移民申请表47sp 中文翻译



第一部分:申请概况(Application overview)

1. 有多少名家庭成员(How many family members)

2. 申请的种类:在下列三项中选择一项:已婚配偶、未婚夫/妻、同居者(Spouse,fiance,interdependent partner)

第二部分:以前申请签证的情况(Processing details)

1. 申请时,申请人是否在澳大利亚(Are you in Australia at he time of lodging this application)

2. 是否在等候另外一类申请签证的结果,如果是,请提供正在等候的另外一类申请签证的类别(Are you currently
awaiting a decision on another visa application? Class ofvisa applied for)

3. Have you ever had a visa canceled?

4. 是否有曾被拒绝进入澳大利亚的记录(Have you ever been refused an permit or visa in Australia?)

5. 是否曾经或者正在持有过桥签证 E(Have you held,or do you currently hold a bridging visa E?)

6.. 是否正在移民集中营(Are you currently in immigration detention?)
(后面现在似乎还有or other custody. 这里的意思是是否正被移民局收容或者在其他被拘留状态,通常的情况如:无效签证、非法居留被收容或者因为其他原因被依法拘留。这两种状态下的人,是允许依法申请伴侣类签证的)

7. 是否曾经到过澳大利亚,目前是否持有有效签证(Have you previous been to Australia,held or currently hold avisa for travel to Australia?)

第三部分:主申请人详情(Main applicant's details)

1. 主申请人的住址、姓名、汉字写法、性别、出生年月日、出生地、护照号码、护照签发国家、签发地、签发日期、到期日期(Main applicant's address, full name, name in Chinese, sex,date of birth, place of birth,details of passport)

2. 主申请人国籍、居住地、婚姻状况(Of which countries are you a citizen? Country of currentresidence,
current marital status)

3. 主申请人以前的婚姻情况,如果曾经结婚,请提供前夫/妻的姓名、出生年月日、出生地、婚姻关系起止年月日、如何终止、有没有育有子女(Have you previously been married or been in interdependentrelationship?)

4. 主申请人的住址、通讯地址、电话号码、传真号码、电子邮件(Main applicant's residential address,address for correspondence,telephone number ,fax number, fax number and emailaddress)

5. 是否指定代理人,是否授权澳大利亚移民部与指定的代理人联系(Have you appointed a agent,Do you agree to DIMA contacting a person you have nominated?)

6. 母语语种、英语水平、其他语言水平(Mail language,How well do you communicate in English? Other languages youread,understand, understand,speak and write fluently)

7. 移民后准备在澳大利亚哪个州居住(Where do you intend to live in Australia?)

8. 移民时,准备携带多少资金、物品财产入境(What is the value of money, goods and assets which you intendto bring to Australia?)

9. 身份证号码(Identification number)

10. 家庭成员的详情,包括父母、兄弟姐妹、子女和其他受扶养者的性别、出生年月日、婚姻状况、居住国家;如果家庭成员在澳大利亚,持有的什么签证(Give details of all your family)

11. 主申请人的子女是否在主申请人的监护之下、婚姻状况(Are all the children listed above in your care and legalcustody? Marriage status)

12. 其他人对主申请人的子女有设有监护权(Does other person have custodial, access or guardianshiprights to any of these children?)

13. 子女不和主申请人一起赴澳大利亚,何人对其承担抚养义务(Are any of the children not migrating with you in your careand legal custody?)

第四部分配偶详情(Partner's details)

1. 配偶姓名、汉字写法、性别、出生年月日、出生地(Partner's full time ,partner's in your Chinese language,
sex, date of birth,place of birth)

2. 配偶国籍或者在澳大利亚居住身份、目前居住国家、住址、电话号码、传真号码、电子邮件地址(What is you
partner's citizenship/residence status in Australia?Partner's country of current residence,residential
address,telephone number, fax,number, fax number,email address)

3. 配偶经常性职业(Partner's usual occupation)

4. 配偶以前是否有婚史,如果是,提供配偶前夫/妻的姓名、出生年月日、婚姻关系起止日期、如何终止的、育有多少孩子(Has your previously been married or been in a de facto orinterdependent relationship? If yes, provide name of previous partner,date of birth,period of marriage orrelationship? How did it end? Number of children)

5. 配偶家庭成员详情;包括父母、兄弟姐妹、子女和其他受抚养者(Details of all your partner's family, including
partner's parents,brothers and sisters,children and other dependents)

第五部分恋爱婚姻详情(Details of love and marriage)

1. 何时、何地两人相识?(When and where did you and your first meet?)

2. 何时、何地两人开始配偶关系?(When and where did you begin a relationship with yourpartner?)

3. 两人准备维持持久的关系吗?(Do you and your partner intend to maintain a lastingrelationship?)

4. 如果你和你的配偶是一种同居关系,你同时还和其他人保持有法律上的婚姻关系吗?(If and your partner are living in de facto or interdependentrelationship, and either of you still legally married to another person?)

5. 两人发生这种关系仅仅是为了获得在澳大利亚永久居留身份吗?(Did you enter into this relationship with your
partner solely to gain permanent residence in Australia?)

6. 提供婚姻细节(Give details of marriage)

7. 你和你的配偶是一种同居关系,你和你的配偶有血缘、收养关系吗?(If you are in an interdependent or de facto relationship, areyou related to your by blood or adoption?)

8. 如果你在澳大利亚申请,你入境时持有临时婚姻签证V300而且准备和担保人结婚吗?(If are applying in Australia,did you enter Australia as the holder of a subclass 300(Prospective marriage) visa and marry yoursponsor?)

9. 如果两人关系终止,你会通知移民部吗?(Will you inform the Department if your relationship with your
partner ends before this application is decided?)

第六部分健康和品格(Health and character)

1. 申请中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否曾经有过、或者现在有肺结核或任何其他严重疾病(包括精神病)、病情或残疾,如果是,请提供是否需要治疗、所需开支、危及他人等详情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application, ever hador currently have tuberculosis or any other serious disease(including mental illness),condition or disability?)

2. 申请中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否受过刑事处罚,如果是,请提供详情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application, even beenconvicted of crime of offense in any country?If yes,provide details)

3. 申请中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否服过兵役(Has the child,or any other person ,included in this
application or not,ever served in the armed forces?)

4. 过去 10年中居住超过 12个月的地址、居住起止年月日(In which countries has the child lived for 12 months or more during thelast 10 years?Dates lived)

5. 申请人以前是否被移民部书面允许在澳大利亚工作?(Have you ever been written permission by the Department ofImmigration to work in Australia?

6. 以前是否从澳大利亚领取过福利金(Have you ever been paid any benefits or received any socialservices from a government agency in Australia?)

7. 是在澳大利亚境内还是境外申请(Are you apply in Australia or outside Australia?)

第七部分提名人详情(Nomination details)

1. 提名人与被提名人关系,被提名人姓名、出生年月日、与提名人关系(I wish to nominate(name of applicant) for permanent residence in Australia because he/she is:my spouse(including de facto spouse)or my inter dependentpartner.Full name,date of birth,relationship to partner.

2. 以前是否在澳大利亚递交过提名申请或者在澳大利亚境外递交过担保申请,如果是,提供递交的日期、关系、递交申请的办公室、签证是否被批准、关系终止的日期及原因(Have you previously lodged a nomination for residence inAustralia or a sponsorship for migration overseas?give date ofsponsorship/nomination,relationship to you,name of overseas post/Australian office where sponsorship oron was lodged.Was a visa granted,Date relationship ended,How relationship ended)

3. 是否曾经是被提名/担保人(Were you originally sponsored/nominated as spouse,prospective spouse or interdependent partner?)

4. 通常居住在澳大利亚吗,是澳大利亚公民吗(Are you usually resident in Australia?)

5. 过去 10年中居住超过 12个月的地址、居住起止年月日(In which countries has the child lived for 12 months or more during thelast 10 years? Dates lived there)

6. 是否曾经有过、或者现在有肺结核或任何其他严重疾病(包括精神病)、病情或残疾,如果是,请提供是否需要治疗、所需开支、危及他人等详情(has the child,or any other ,included in this application,ever had or currently have tuberculosis or any other seriousdisease(including mental illness),condition or disability?)

7. 是否受过刑事处罚,如果是,请提供详情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application
ever been convicted of crime of offense in any country?If yes,provide details)

第八部分需要补充的其他信息(Additional information)

1. 根据实际情况,填写自己认为需要补充说明的信息(Additional information)

2. 在填写申请表格过程中,是否得到了有关人士的帮助,如果是,请提供帮助者的姓名、地址、移民代理号是否收费(Did you receive help completing this form.If yes,provide person's name,his address,migration agent registrationnumber.Were you charged a fee forthis help?)
R�2:0h��nwrap: break-word; font-family: Tahoma, 'Microsoft Yahei', simsun; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">2. 在填写申请表格过程中,是否得到了有关人士的帮助,如果是,请提供帮助者的姓名、地址、移民代理号是否收费(Did you receive help completing this form.If yes,provide person's name,his address,migration agent registration number.Were you charged a fee for this help?)