

第1个回答  2010-11-03
> tasteful / -fl; -fəl/ adj showing good taste1(5) 有良好判断力、 鉴赏力等的; 举止得体的. tastefully / -fəlɪ; -fəlɪ/adv: tastefully decorated 装饰得高雅的. tastefulness n [U].
tasteless adj
1 having no flavour 无味的.
2 showing poor taste1(5) 无判断力、 鉴赏力等的; 举止粗俗的: tasteless jokes 粗俗的笑话. tastelessly adv. tastelessness n [U].
tasty adj (-ier, -iest) having a strong and pleasant flavour; appetizing 美味的; 引起食欲的: a tasty dish 一道好吃的菜. tastily / -ɪlɪ; -ɪlɪ/ adv. tastiness n [U].
`taste-bud n (usu pl 通常作复数) any of the smallprojections on the tongue by which flavours are perceived味蕾.


taste 1
/ teɪst; test/ n
[C, U] sensation caused in the tongue by things placed on it 味道: Sugar has a sweet taste. 糖有甜味. * a strong taste of garlic 很浓的蒜味 * I don't like the taste of this cheese. 我不喜欢这乳酪的味道. * a wine that has no/very little/not much taste 没味的[味淡的/没什麽味的]酒.
[U] sense by which flavour is known 味觉: I've got a cold and so I have no taste/have lost my sense of taste. 我伤风了, 尝不出味道. * bitter to the taste 苦味.
[C usu sing 通常作单数]~ (of sth) (a) small quantity of food or drink taken as a sample (品尝的)少量食物或饮料: Just have a taste of this cheese! 尝一点儿这种乳酪吧! (b) (fig 比喻) first/early experience of sth 首次的[最初的]经历或体验; 尝试: her first taste of life in a big city 她对大城市生活初次的体验 * Although we didn't know it, this incident was a taste of things to come. 我们当时并不了解, 这件事就是后来这类事的发端.
[C, U] ~ (for sth) liking or preference 爱好; 嗜好: She has a taste for foreign travel. 她有到国外旅行的爱好. * have expensive tastes in clothes 喜欢昂贵的衣服 * Modern art is not (to) everyone's taste, ie Many people dislike it. 现代艺术不见得合所有人的口味(很多人不喜欢).
[U] ability to perceive and enjoy what is beautiful or harmonious, or to behave in an appropriate and a pleasing way 判断力; 鉴赏力; 审美力; 欣赏力; 适度而得体的举止: have excellent taste in clothes, art, music, etc 对服装、 艺术、 音乐等很有鉴赏力 * He's got more money than taste, ie is rich but unrefined. 他有钱却无修养. * a room furnished in/with perfect taste 布置得相当雅致的房间 * It would be bad taste to refuse their invitation. 拒绝他们的邀请是不礼貌的.
(idm 习语) an acquired taste => acquire. (be) in good, bad, poor, the best of, theworst of, etc `taste (of sb's behaviour, etc) appropriateand pleasing/unsuitable and offensive (指某人的举止等)适度而得体[失当而粗俗]: She always dresses in the best possible taste. 她总是穿得很雅致. * I thought his jokes were in very poor taste. 我认为他讲的笑话太粗俗了. leave a bad/nasty taste in the mouth => leave1. there's no accounting for taste => account2. to `taste (esp in recipes) in the amount preferred (尤用於食谱中)适量: Add salt to taste. 按口味放盐.
> tasteful / -fl; -fəl/ adj showing good taste1(5) 有良好判断力、 鉴赏力等的; 举止得体的. tastefully / -fəlɪ; -fəlɪ/adv: tastefully decorated 装饰得高雅的. tastefulness n [U].
tasteless adj
1 having no flavour 无味的.
2 showing poor taste1(5) 无判断力、 鉴赏力等的; 举止粗俗的: tasteless jokes 粗俗的笑话. tastelessly adv. tastelessness n [U].
tasty adj (-ier, -iest) having a strong and pleasant flavour; appetizing 美味的; 引起食欲的: a tasty dish 一道好吃的菜. tastily / -ɪlɪ; -ɪlɪ/ adv. tastiness n [U].
`taste-bud n (usu pl 通常作复数) any of the smallprojections on the tongue by which flavours are perceived味蕾. taste 2
/ teɪst; test/ v
[I, Tn] (not used in the continuous tenses; often with can 不用於进行时态; 常与can连用) be able to perceive (flavours) 能辨别(味道); 尝出; 品出: I can't taste, I've got a bad cold. 我得了重感冒, 尝不出味道来. * Can you taste the garlic in this stew? 你尝得出炖肉里有大蒜味儿吗?
[La, Ipr] ~ (of sth) have a certain (specified) flavour 有某种(所指的)味道: taste sour, bitter, sweet, etc 有酸、 苦、 甜等味 * It tastes strongly of mint. 这有挺冲的薄荷味儿.
[Tn] test the flavour of (sth) 尝(某物)的味道; 品: He tasted the soup to see if he had put enough salt in it. 他尝尝汤, 看是否够咸. =>Usage at feel1 用法见feel1.
[Tn] eat or drink (food or liquid) 吃(食物); 喝(液体): They hadn't tasted hot food for over a week. 他们已有一个多星期没吃上热东西了. * That's the best wine I've ever tasted. 那是我喝过的最好的酒.
[Tn] (fig 比喻) experience (sth) 体验, 领略(某事): taste power, freedom, failure, defeat, etc 尝到权力、 自由、 失败、 挫败等的滋味.
> taster n person whose job is to judge the quality of wine, tea, etc by tasting it 品尝员; 品酒师; 品茶师.
tasting n event at which sth is tasted 品尝会: go to a wine/cheese tasting 去参加酒类[乳酪]品尝会.
-tasting (forming compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词) having the specified flavour or taste 有某种风味或滋味的: sweet-tasting * fresh-tasting.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-10-31
动词时用副词来修饰的 名词是用形容词修饰的
第3个回答  2010-10-31