





I think that smoking and drinking alcohol is unhealthy acts, Take in food that is low in sugar, salt and cholesterol, have adequate and suitable outdoor activities, sleep and wake up early, be optimistic are the healthy acts. No doubt, these are important to me, body health is the basic to study and work.
In china, everyone are concerned with obese, especially women who will take care of having a slim body. I think, it is our diet and eating habits that cause obesity.

I think having a healthy body, a harmonic family, a sincere friendship, and a big goal made me happy.

One who does not have a rich material life, will have to have a strong spirit support. A optimistic thinking will fill my life with excitement and fun.

Compared to my life before, I felt more pressure and as if time is never enough, all these resulted from the rapid progress of finance, and a more hectic life. I felt more pressure from finance aspect from work and family. I will relax myself from the tension by listening to music, watching movie, reading book, talking with friends, outdoor travelling and sleeping.


第1个回答  2010-11-16
I think smoking, drinking and sleeping too little are unhealthy habits. Eating food with less sugar, salt and fats, having suitable outdoor exercises, keeping a good sleeping habit and having a positive thinking are the healthy ways. Undoubtly, these are really important to me. Body health is the basics for all kinds of work and study.

In China, people generally care about the problem of being fat, especially girls who would care about having a slim bodyline. I think personal eating habits is the main reason for getting fat.

I believe that having a healthy body, peaceful family, true friendship and a big goal for myself are some things that make me blissful.

One can live without many material things, but must have a strong mental support. Positive thinking can make me full of life's passion and interest.

Compared to my past, I feel more pressure and time constricted, and these are due to a busier life, from a fast economical development. I feel pressure on work, on family and on my income. I release tension by listening to music, watching movies, reading, talking with friends, outdoor trips and many more.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-11-17
I think smoking drinking stay up late is unhealthy behavior, absorb low-glycemic load less salt low fat diet, proper outdoor exercise, early to bed and early to rise, optimistic attitude is healthy behaviors. No doubt, these are very important to me, health is the basis of all the work and study.

In China, people CARES generally obesity problem, especially girls will pay special attention to stay slim. I think individual eating habits is cause fat main reason.

I think have a healthy body, harmonious family, the sincere friendship, a lofty ideal will make me happy.

A man can not rich material life, but must have strong spirit props. The optimistic positive upward attitude can let me full of passion of life and fun.

Compared with before, I feel more pressure and time oppressive feeling, it comes from the rapid development of economy, speed up the pace of life. On the job, family relat.
第3个回答  2010-11-17
I think smoking drinking stay up late is unhealthy behavior, absorb low-glycemic load less salt low fat diet, proper outdoor exercise, early to bed and early to rise, optimistic attitude is healthy behaviors. No doubt, these are very important to me, health is the basis of all the work and study.

In China, people CARES generally obesity problem, especially girls will pay special attention to stay slim. I think individual eating habits is cause fat main reason.

I think have a healthy body, harmonious family, the sincere friendship, a lofty ideal will make me happy.

A man can not rich material life, but must have strong spirit props. The optimistic positive upward attitude can let me full of passion of life and fun.

Compared with before, I feel more pressure and time oppressive feeling, it comes from the rapid development of economy, speed up the pace of life. On the job, family relationship, economic income on all let me feel a lot of pressure. I'll by listening to music, watching movies, reading, chat with friends, outdoor outing and sleeping to release the pressure