
1. 标有序号的尺寸为重点检测尺寸;
2. 无标注公差尺寸按(GB/T1804-2000)制造;
3. 钣金表面批锋高度≤0.2mm,注塑件≤0.5mm。
4. 未注倒角为R0.3,不允许有锐角;
5. 表面不允许有批锋、碰伤、压痕。

    It is the important inspecting dimension for the numbered dimensions。

    The dimensions which is not marked tolerance should be manufactured according to GB/T 1804-2000;

    The sheet metal surface burr hight ≤0.2mm, and for injection molding piece ≤0.5mm;

    It shall be R0.3 for unmarked champher, and not allowed to have sharp corner;

    It is not allowed to have burr, scratch, and press marks. 
