没有be easy doing sth是吗


不存在be easy doing something的用法,只有:
be easy to do something易于干某事
instructions that are easy to follow很容易遵循的指令
It's a great car, and very easy to drive.这是一个很棒的车,很容易驾驶。
It would have been easy for the team to lose the game.球队本来是很容易输掉这场比赛的。

下列名词:bore, fun, good, pity, time, use和形容词:better, crazy, difficult, enjoyable,foolish, funny, hard, interesting, nice, odd, pointless, senseless, terrible,tiring, useless, wonderful, worth, worthwhile等作表语时,可以用it作形式主语,用动名词做真正的主语,并后置。
It's no use waiting here.这里等没用。
It's nice seeing you again.再次见到你太好了。
It's hopeless arguing about it.争辩这事没希望。
It's no good coming beforethat.在那之前来没有用。
It's been a lot of fun staying here.住在这里很有意思。
It's crazy her going off like that.她那样私奔太疯狂了。
Is it worthwhile quarreling with her? 和她吵架值得吗?
It'sa wonder meeting you here.在这里碰到你真是奇迹。
It is no use telling him not to worry.叫他不着急是没用的。
It's rather tiring typing so many letters.打印这么多信札太累了。
It was a waste of time reading that book.看那本书是浪费时间。
It was pleasant and comfortable sitting there.坐在那里惬意舒适。
It was tiring driving from morning till night.从早到晚开车很累人。
It is dangerous your swimming in this river.你在这条河里游水危险。
It's terrible not being allowed to smoke at all.根本不许吸烟令人可怕。
It's no good helping him. He doesn't help himself.帮他没用;他不自救。
It made them worried Jack's suddenly disappearing.杰克突然消失使他们焦虑。
It's no use asking me. I don't know any more than you do.问我没用,我知道的不比你多。
第1个回答  推荐于2018-04-29
be easy to do sth
补充:be + adj.+ to do:做某事很...本回答被网友采纳